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Example sentences for "feasts"

Lexicographically close words:
feasters; feastes; feastful; feasting; feastings; feat; feate; feates; feather; featherbed
  1. Like to a garden hedge he hath cast downe The place where was his congregation, 110 And Sions feasts and sabbaths are forgot; Her King, her Priest, his wrath regardeth not.

  2. And if it happen that the feast of the Ascension of our Lord, doo come before anie of the feasts aforesaid, then they are omitted for that yeare.

  3. For if it so happen that one of those feasts fall on wednesdaie, commonlie called Ashwednesdaie after the daie of S.

  4. They brought in also the custome of long and statelie sitting at meat, whereby their feasts resembled those ancient pontificall bankets whereof Macrobius speaketh lib.

  5. It is to be remembred that the first daie following euerie of these feasts noted in each terme, the court of the arches is kept in Bow church in the forenoone.

  6. This usually took place particularly on the solemn feasts of Easter, as St. Gregory of Nyssa relates.

  7. King Shahryar also bade slaughter sheep, and set up kitchens and made bride-feasts and fed all comers, high and low; and he gave alms to the poor and needy and extended his bounty to great and small.

  8. And his airs and his tunes, and his songs and lampoons, Were recited and sung by the old and the young: At our feasts and carousals, what poet but he?

  9. These natives have no feasts that they observe, throughout the year-save that when the married men go to war, during their absence the women do not work.

  10. Whilst the people are becoming tipsy outside, Asshurbanipal feasts the leading chiefs and the ministers of state within the palace.

  11. They grew them in their gardens, filled their houses with the blossoms, used them lavishly at their feasts and carved them on their tombs and in their temples.

  12. Kings make no seven-day feasts for all comers now.

  13. Animals with bristles were only sacrificed at the feasts of Osiris and Eileithyia.

  14. Ibykus, have I quoted your friend the poet correctly, who feasts with you at Polykrates' banquets?

  15. You should see the feasts of the gods in our starry realms," she would say, as each one vied with a preceding festivity to outshine its splendor.

  16. At these feasts they generally indulge in eating to an excess, making up in this respect for their want of inebriating liquors, which they know no method of preparing in any form, their only drink being water.

  17. Or to one or more of the neighbouring tribes, such feasts being known as Wawkoahs.

  18. We scarce had care to die or live, We had no honey cake to give, No wine of sacrifice to shed; There lies no new path over sea, And now we know how faint they be, The feasts and voices of the Dead.

  19. Just so every word of the Lord is a cell full of sweetness and life for the soul that feasts upon the Holy Scriptures.

  20. How do you prove that the church hath power to establish feasts and holy days?

  21. These are the feasts of the Lord," He said, "beside the Sabbaths of the Lord.

  22. Because by keeping Sunday they acknowledge the church's power to ordain feasts and to command them under sin; and by not keeping the rest commanded by her, they deny that she has power.

  23. By the very fact of changing the Sabbath to Sunday; this change Protestants allow; and therefore they contradict themselves by keeping Sunday strictly and breaking most other feasts commanded by the same church.

  24. Early in the year 1876, his runners brought word from Sitting Bull that all the roving bands would converge upon the upper Tongue River in Montana for summer feasts and conferences.

  25. He built churches, he gave alms freely, he set out public repasts in imitation of the love-feasts of the early Christians.

  26. They drank the blood of the first enemy killed by them in battle, and at their high feasts used drinking-cups made from the skulls of their foes.

  27. Two kinds of people make things equal to one another, as feasts to working days, Christians to priests, all things among them, etc.

  28. That their feasts are displeasing to God.

  29. Instead of the drunken and gluttonous wassail orgies of their Northern neighbors, the feasts of the Saracens were marked by sobriety.

  30. The festival of the purification of the Virgin was invented to remove the uneasiness of heathen converts on account of the loss of their Lupercalia, or feasts of Pan.

  31. Descending to the plain they gave vent to their joy in feasts and rejoicings, and offered thanks to their god Camaxtli, who had delivered them from their enemies and brought them into such a fair land.

  32. In the midst of the propitiatory feasts and sacrifices a demon of gigantic proportions with long bony arms and fingers appeared dancing in the court where the people were assembled.

  33. It is related that during the feasts with which the birth of this prince was celebrated, fiery rays of light were seen to dart across the sky.

  34. From the feast of St. Luke to the octave of St. Martin he is to provide fresh chestnuts, to wit, on feasts of twelve lessons; and on dumpling days he is to find the oil and flour with which to make the dumplings.

  35. On the principal octaves the monks are to have seasoning, but during the main feasts they are to have seasoning upon the first day only.

  36. For some time past, however, the stricter customs which have been introduced here no less than in other Piedmontese villages have robbed this feast (as how many more popular feasts has it not also robbed?

  37. This belief, which is so contrary to our way of thinking, is accounted for in an old Gaelic story in which a supernatural being says: "O man that for Fergus of the feasts dost kindle fire .

  38. As there were mouse feasts in ancient Scotland, it would appear that a mouse god like Smintheus (Mouse-Apollo) was worshipped in ancient times.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "feasts" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.