This dreadful army crossed the garden of the Tuileries, and marched under the Queen's windows; it consisted of people who called themselves the citizens of the Faubourgs St. Antoine and St. Marceau.
We knew that at least an hour must elapse before the populace or the faubourgsassembled on the site of the Bastille could reach the Tuileries.
The mobs which gathered almost nightly in the faubourgs alarmed the Queen's friends; they entreated her not to sleep in her room on the ground floor of the Tuileries.
Mademoiselle de Cinq-Cygne, with Monsieur and Madame d'Hauteserre, went to Troyes and occupied a small house belonging to Durieu in one of the long and wide faubourgs which lead from the little town.
During the last six months he had ventured to dig up the family silver, which the cook had buried in the cellar of a little house belonging to him at the end of one of the long faubourgs in Troyes.
The two great faubourgswere all astir, and three battalions were ready to march.
When he has passed Portes Saint-Martin and Saint-Denis, through which the swarming overflow of the faubourgs streams at all hours of the day, the provincial character of the city becomes accentuated.
The king gained three marches on the Leaguers, and carried by assault the five faubourgs situated on the left bank of the Seine.
One consisted of about 100 officers of the National Guard, most of them from the Faubourgs of St. Antoine and the Temple.
The only men I think I can answer for are the working men of the outer faubourgs and a portion of the Provincial Gardes Mobiles.
I have not been down to Belleville to-day, but I hear that there and in the other outer Faubourgs there is great excitement, and the question of a rising is being discussed.
On Friday bands issuing from the outer Faubourgs marched through the streets shouting "No capitulation!
I drove this morning through the fighting faubourgs with a member of the Barricade Committee.
Very possibly they may think that, if ever a capitulation becomes necessary, it will be as well to make the nominees of the Faubourgs share in the responsibility.
The battalions of the artizan Faubourgs have plenty of go, but they do not obey orders.
At La Villette, Crenelle, and other faubourgs inhabited by the blouses, there is no lack of patriotism, and they will blow themselves and their homes up rather than yield.
In the outer faubourgs much the same thing goes on, except where barricades are being built.
In the fighting faubourgs there is a real genuine determination to fight it out to the last.
The faubourgsopened before him and trembled at his voice.
It was decided that the people of the faubourgs should be allowed to defile before them under arms.
The Germans pressed on, leaving behind them the flaming houses of the faubourgs to record their triumph.
It was a modest, pleasant house in one of the faubourgs of the city, which Julian, with loving interest, had been preparing more than a year for her who was now to take possession of it.
On the 10th of May, at nine o'clock in the morning, the first line of defense of the Austrian capital was attacked and taken by Marshal Oudinot the faubourgs surrendering at discretion.
The battle still continued during the night, while the fire of the faubourgs lighted our defenses and the works of the besieging-party.
In truth, hordes of Cossacks were already in sight of the faubourgs, which they threatened to attack; and their appearance had compelled the inhabitants of these faubourgs to take refuge in the interior of the city.
Would the people, that great revolutionary populace of the faubourgs of Paris, abandon their Representatives?
In another the men of the Right surrounded the men of the Left, and asked them: "Are not the faubourgs going to rise?
When the Army and the Faubourgs fight, the blood of the People is shed on both sides.
As a guarantee for the submission of the Faubourgs we shall have the head of the Reds.
In the French faubourgs gaming was not considered so hideous a crime, and the houses appropriated to it were open and avowed.
The American part of New Orleans is that which is highest on the river--known as the Faubourgs Saint Mary and Annunciation.
Two convents and three churches, which might have assisted the assault, have been pulled down; and the faubourgs and all the pleasure-houses built outside the city on the east and north have likewise been levelled.
They saw where the churches and convents had been demolished by Mirandel, and where the faubourgs and bastides had been pulled down, and acknowledged the wisdom of the proceeding.
The second Jacobin club, formed in October, 1790, was "composed from the beginning of artisans and laborers from the faubourgs and suburbs.
Though the surrounding faubourgs were pillaged and burned the chateau itself did not succumb.
The Quartier Landais was the mother city of Bayonne, the oldest portion out of which the other faubourgs grew.
This was commenced in 1190; the faubourgs were surrounded with a wall of more than two mètres in thickness, faced with masonry, flanked by five hundred towers and pierced with fifteen gates.
The stout patriots of the faubourgs proclaim the safety of the Republic, and the black collars are put down.
The sight of the federates who paraded the faubourgs and the boulevards, vociferating, "The Republic for ever!
The streets of thefaubourgs are broad but not paved.
The faubourgs of Vienna are built in the modern style and their buildings, both public and private, excellent in their way and in the best state.
The faubourgs are by far the finest part of the city, and the garrison of the old town, in endeavouring to defend it, would destroy by every shot they should fire the fine buildings on the faubourgs.
Among the workmen of its faubourgs and the peasants of its country-sides there were endless reserves of men on whom the future might freely draw.
To please the men of the faubourgs Louis consented to place a red liberty cap on his head, and to empty a bottle of wine as a sign of fraternization.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "faubourgs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.