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Example sentences for "fand"

Lexicographically close words:
fancifully; fancifulness; fancy; fancying; fancywork; fandango; fanega; fanegas; fanes; fanfare
  1. On recovering my composure a little, I fand mysel in the Green o' Glasgow, an' close by the river side.

  2. My faither has dealt wi' ye these twenty years, and I don't suppose ye ever fand it necessary to mak ony effort to recover your money oot o' his hands.

  3. But little guid they did me; an' this I at length fand oot.

  4. But let the reader fancy, if he can, what was my surprise when I fand mysel' treated in almost precisely the same way in every ither hoose at which I ca'ed subsequently to this.

  5. This resolution, however, I fand it much easier to adopt than to execute.

  6. What was my surprise and mortification, then, whan I fand it quite the reverse--most markedly sae!

  7. A' that, an' a deal mair, I subsequently fand oot.

  8. On enterin the countin-hoose, I fand the principal there alane, seated at a desk.

  9. Then Lemminkainen said: 'My aged mother, think of our former happy days, when all went well and all was joy and happiness.

  10. On the evening of the third day he caught up with Wainamoinen, and called out to him: 'O ancient Wainamoinen, let us woo the maiden peacefully, and let her choose which one of us she will.

  11. Then she addressed a prayer to Ukko that he would guard the flock in case the shepherd should neglect them.

  12. I shall never leave thee until I learn all thy wisdom, and the three lost words, that all thy magic knowledge may not perish with thee from the earth.

  13. Soon they drew near to Louhi's dwelling, and the watchdogs began to bark more loudly than they had ever done before.

  14. I rane be Wantonnes of flesche and I fand noghte Ihesu.

  15. I satt in companyes of Worldly myrthe and I fand noghte Ihesu.

  16. And when she came to Carterhaugh, She gaed beside the well, And there she fand his steed standing, But away was himsell.

  17. When she cam to Carterhaugh, Tam Lin was at the well, And there she fand his steed standing, But away was himsel.

  18. When she came to Carterhaugh Tom Line was at the well, And there she fand his steed standing, But away was himsell.

  19. When she came to Carterhaugh Tam Lin was at the well, And there she fand his steed standing, But away was himsel.

  20. But sum chep aw suen fand was hummin; For aw stopp'd bit belaw, Haudin oot a lang paw, But mutton cam ne nearer Cranky.

  21. For when he cam before me Lord, He fand his sel a' wrang, For tyaken Watson up yen neet For singing a wee bit sang.

  22. Ne grunstan was there, for he fand it was water.

  23. When they fand he was not Bonnyparty, Nor nyen ov his sowgers frae France, The music then started to play, And we for to caper and dance.

  24. So we started frae hyem by eight i' the morn, Byeth faither and mother and son, But fand a' wor neighbours had started before, To get in good time for the fun.

  25. Not a word was there heurd, a' eyes were a starin, For the off ganen moment was near: To see sic a crowd se whisht was amazen, Aw thowt aw fand palish and queer.

  26. The derivations of the names of Fand and of Aed Abra are quite in keeping with the character of the Antiquarian form, and would be out of place in the other form of the romance.

  27. Fand goeth away with Manannan the Son of the Sea, since she hath not been pleasing in thy sight!

  28. And they came to the Island of Labraid, and there Labraid and all the women that were there bade them welcome; and Fand gave an especial welcome to Cuchulain.

  29. I will say, since it hath been heard by me, that the seed of Adam was sinless; but the beauty of Fand up to my time hath not found its equal.

  30. And thereon Manannan came from the east to seek for the lady, and he was perceived by her, nor was there any other conscious of his presence saving Fand alone.

  31. For a translation of the poem in which Fand resigns Cuchulain reference may be made to Thurneysen (p.

  32. But Fand marked it, and she cried out to Laeg: "Look now, O Laeg!

  33. Fand may be claiming superiority over a rival fairy beauty.

  34. But when they cam' to Newcastle toun, And were alighted at the wa' They fand their tree three ells ower laigh, They fand their stick baith short and sma'.

  35. I saw naething o' this, but soon fand the effects of it; for my father drove faster on than the flankers could bear up after him, and our point lengthened out and grew thinner at every step.

  36. It was clear moonlight, sae we set off before sun-set and rade a' the night, keeping aye the height between Tyne and Reid; and at daylight we fand oursels at the place where the twa Tynes meet.

  37. I hae run mysel into mony a priminary in my life, but I never fand that mony words did muckle good.

  38. No, he shall not now," said Fand passionately.

  39. Fand floated to the centre of the cavern, erect and radiant.

  40. But not seeing Fand among them, he turned with an impatient gesture to Liban.

  41. Fand trusts more in her beauty to arouse him than in her message.

  42. If Fand and Liban were here they would restore the hero.

  43. In the room where Fand lay with mad beating heart tearing itself in remorse, there was one watching with divine pity.

  44. Already he was oblivious of the Sidhe, the voices of Fand and Laeg calling him.

  45. That Fand would lose her soul for love, and the spell they've cast over you is evil, or it wouldn't make a warrior like you as helpless as a toddling babe.

  46. I wonder now," muttered Laeg to himself, "if he was sent by the Sidhe, or by Liban and Fand only.

  47. Yes; in the scrub, and not so very far from home either--and in a fairly clear space.

  48. Dave got out, grabbed a stick, skipped to the door, and clutched at the knob as if it were a nettle, and the door wouldn't come!

  49. But when they cam to Newcastle toun, And were alighted at the wa', They fand their tree three ells ower laigh, They fand their stick baith short and sma'.

  50. Syne to the stable door he hied, Wi' tread as light as light could be; And when he opened and gaed in, There he fand thirty steeds and three.

  51. I never cam bye the fair Dodhead, That ever I fand thy basket bare.

  52. Maybe she has fand the herrin'," said a ten-year-old.

  53. And gin ye dinna ken him for the crater ye fand i' the garret, he maun be sair changed sin' I left him there.

  54. The Lord preserve me frae ever sic a fricht again as yer grannie an' Betty gae me the nicht they fand me in 't!

  55. I wadna like to be by whan he fand that oot.

  56. On ilka side o' me I fand Fresh tokens o' my native land.

  57. And whan he to the green wood cam, 'Twas dark as dark could bee, And he fand his maister and his men Asleep aneth a tree.

  58. And when he fand the bridges broke, He bent his bow and swam, But when he fand the grass growing, He slacked it and ran.

  59. An whan he cam to the ladie's bower, He fand her a' her lane, .

  60. The deepest pot in a' the linn They fand Erl Richard in; A green turf tyed across his breast, To keep that gude lord down.

  61. But ye jist see 'at fowk warna a'thegither saitisfeed aboot a sairpent speikin', an' sae they leukit aboot and aboot till at last they fand the deil in him.

  62. The beautiful Fand consented to be his, on condition that he would aid her people in war against a rival god-clan; this done, he brought her back to Ireland.

  63. I have kend the law this mony a year, and mony a thrawart job I hae had wi' her first and last; but the auld jaud is no sae ill as that comes to--I aye fand her bark waur than her bite.

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fand" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.