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Example sentences for "fallers"

Lexicographically close words:
falle; falled; fallen; faller; fallere; falles; fallest; falleth; fallibility; fallible
  1. This lifting and dropping of the fallers on to the beam takes place in rhythmical and rapid succession.

  2. The fallers are made of beech wood, are about 8 ft.

  3. Spare fallers with gills for first drawing.

  4. Spare fallers with gills for first and second drawing.

  5. Spare fallers for first drawing with gills.

  6. Between these rollers and the retaining rollers are situated the above-mentioned fallers with their complements of gill pins, forming, so to speak, a field of pins.

  7. The numbers of fallers used is determined partly by the particular method of operating the fallers, but mostly by the length of the fibre.

  8. The sheet of pins and their fallers are thus continuously moving towards the drawing rollers and supporting the slivers at the same time.

  9. The gill pins in the fallers are used to restrain the movements of the fibres between two important pairs of rollers.

  10. It should be mentioned, however, that there are different types of drawing frames, and their designation is invariably due to the particular manner in which the fallers are operated while traversing the closed circuit.

  11. At first the forest-fallers had no oxen to drag the timbers, after they were hewn, to the water's edge, but rolled and hauled them by hand as far as practicable.

  12. Dese fallers har, dey squash me down--" We hauled him into line and went to work again.

  13. Aye ent know vere yu fallers ban," he said, "but Aye kin vait.

  14. But Aye tal yu ef yu fallers burn das har west lak yu burn ma hat I skoll raise ruffhaus like deekins!

  15. Oder fallers skol look For chance to get grub yust lak yu!

  16. But Friday ban coon, and yu know dese coon fallers Ban looking for tips yust so sharp sum dey can.

  17. Ay meet bunch of fallers last Monday, Yust after ay cashing my check; Ay s'pose dat ay have it all coming.

  18. Some British fallers ban getting gay, So Paul yust giving his horse some hay And say, "Ay skol mak a grand-stand play!

  19. And fallers grab gun and drum and fife, And march to scrap vith dese British men.

  20. Ven dis har country first began, Yeorge ban a yen'ral, and yu bet Dese English fallers know it yet.

  21. Ay see the lights of willage Shining tru rain and mist, And ay skol feel dam sleepy, Lak fallers playing whist.

  22. Some fallers yump on him von day, And taking him to yail, And tal him he skol have to pay Sax tousand dollars' bail.

  23. Put dis in yure pipe, tu, and smoke it: Gude fallers ban mostly dam fules.

  24. Ay see lots of fallers who tenk dey ban vise, Yu see dem yureself ef yu open yure eyes; Dey tal 'bout the gold dey skol making some day, And yump ven the vash-voman com for her pay.

  25. Off to one side she saw the fallers climb up on their springboards.

  26. The tree once down, the fallers went on to another.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fallers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.