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Example sentences for "fadom"

Lexicographically close words:
faders; fades; fadeth; fading; fadir; fadome; fadomes; fadre; fadres; fads
  1. At a Northwest sunne we came to an anker within halfe a league of the shore, where wee had good plenty of fish, both Haddocks and Cods, riding in 10 fadom water.

  2. In which place, about three leagues from the shore you shall not haue aboue 9 fadom water, and clay ground.

  3. But those that went with the Treasurer, following victorie and spoyle, had left a bridge not well dammed vp, but verye hollowe and false, the whiche was of twelue paces broad, and two fadom in depth.

  4. Scho cast him in a deip draw-well, Was fifty fadom deip.

  5. She tuk him by the yellow hair, An' also by the feet; An' she threw him in the deep draw well, It was fifty fadom deep.

  6. Scho rowd him in a cake of lead, 25 Bade him lie stil and sleip; Scho cast him in a deip draw-well, Was fifty fadom deip.

  7. Haf owre, haf owre to Aberdour, It's fiftie fadom deip, And thair lies guid Sir Patrick Spence, Wi the Scots lords at his feit.

  8. Row owre, row owre to Aberdour, It's fifty fadom deep; And there lies Earl Patrick Spens, His men all at his feet.

  9. The next day we set saile againe, and towards noone we were thwart of the riuer of Benin in foure fadom water.

  10. The 5 day of Iune we had sight of the Stert, and about noone we were thwart of the bay of Lime, and so sounded and had 35 fadom water.

  11. The 8 at noone we set saile from Villa longa, and ten leagues from thence we ankered againe and stayed all that night in ten fadom water.

  12. The shallowest part of this riuer is toward the West, where there is but 4 fadom and a halfe, and it is very broad.

  13. The 28 we sailed alongst the shore, and ankered at night in seuen fadom because a great current would haue put vs backe, which came from the East Southeast from Papuas.

  14. Sestos to the Eastwards, by reason whereof we halled into the shoare within two English miles, and there ancred and found fifteene fadom water, and all off from the shoare the sea so smooth, that we might wel haue rid by an Hawser.

  15. The 29 we came to an anker in the Southwest side of Faial in a faire bay, and 22 fadom water against a litle towne where we had both fresh water and fresh victuall.

  16. The third we were as far shot as Rio de Lagoa, where our marchants went a shore and vpon the barre they found 3 fadom flat, but they went not in because it was late.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fadom" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.