If her moderacion of life had been so rare, as that the like facte for her chastitie, had not been in a- ny age or common wealthe, her vertues would haue giuen occasion: The Princes and nobles of Grece to stomacke the matter.
The beastes in their kinde, doe condemne mannes brutishe affections here- in: there is no facte that sheweth a man or woman, more like to beastes, then whoredome.
Sidenote: The wicked facte of kyng Richard, a horror and dread to the commons.
It was also comelie, the kyngdome standyng in perill, a sage and descrite persone to preuente and putte of, soche a daunger at [Sidenote: The facte of Zopyrus.
A narracion iudiciall, out of Theusidides, vpon the facte of Themistocles.
Truely in this worthy facte Cortes gotte more honour than though he had ouercomen them in battayle.
Sidenote: Hovv the people vver found] [Sidenote: A facte vvorthy of prayse.
And the fielde where this battayle was fought is called Otumpan: there was neuer a more notable facte done in India, nor greater victorie since the first discouery of the same.
But he whose hart was hardened as the Diamonde, said vnto them, that this facte was not worthy of blame but rather of reuenge.
There he dined very soberly, and vsing fewe words vnto his company, sate stil al pensiue, musing vpon that he had to doe: For on the one side the grauitie of the facte moued him rigorously to chastise him which had committed the same.
Which wycked and cruellfacte being done, the Bascha that was Lieuetenaunt of Amasia was also apprehended by the Kynge's Commaundement, and likewyse beheaded in hys owne Presence.
Which horrible facte seemed most cruell to the fathers and people.
For which facte greate thankes were attributed to Camillus, both by the Falisques and Romaynes.
She throweth him into the streate: shee in desperate wise confesseth the factebefore the Maiestrates, and is put to death.
Then Lucrece sent a post to Rome to her father, and an other to Ardea to her husbande, requiringe them that they would make speede to come vnto her, with certaine of their trustie frendes, for that a cruell facte was chaunced.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "facte" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.