Caesar besides exalting Lepidus with these honors chose him subsequently as his colleague in both the positions mentioned.
After exalting Sejanus to a high pinnacle of glory and making him a member of his family by the alliance with Julia, daughter of Drusus, Tiberius later killed him.
He advanced Tiberius to the position of imperator in place of Drusus, and besides exalting him with that title appointed him consul once more.
The exalting of God's name is on their lips, but also poison and death lurk on their tongues.
For to allow the Christians to be subordinate to the Jews, and to subject them to their judgment, is the same as oppressing God's Church and exalting Satan's synagogue.
No--whence the charge of exalting the day too highly?
While humbling themselves, God was blessing and exalting them.
It cannot occupy our mind without exalting and improving it.
Meg, exalting the harsh and rough tones of her hollow voice.
It is in the nature of things to love a colleague, and you are in fact exalting your own honour when you approve of a dignity given to a Senator[713].
Amongst Shakespeare's other master-strokes in this play must be reckoned that of exalting the traditional clown, the buffoon, into so high a sphere that he becomes a tragic element of the first order.
But Swinburne has done Shakespeare a great wrong in making this a reason for praising Marlowe at his expense, and exalting the subordinate characters in Edward II.
I speak of a voluntary exalting of God to His proper station over us and a willing surrender of our whole being to the place of worshipful submission which the Creator-creature circumstance makes proper.
In exalting God over all he finds his own highest honor upheld.
Is it not rather the elevating and exalting of the soul?
The "man of sin" illustrates the nature of sin, in "opposing and exalting himself against all that is called God.
Those who would degrade doctrine by exalting precept will find that they have left men without the motive or the power to keep the precept.
We reply that it does indeed show his actual state to be degraded, but only with the result of exalting our idea of his original dignity, and of his possible glory in Christ.
Chadwick, Old and New Unitarian Belief, 20, speaks of Arianism as exalting Christ to a degree of inappreciable difference from God, while Socinus looked upon him only as a miraculously endowed man, and believed in an infallible book.
If men do not cease striving to be great by exalting themselves and by leading people astray, they shall fall and not rise again.
Now we believe the Lady Chapel to have occupied the place merely on grounds of convenience, and not from any design--which is shocking to imagine--of exalting the Blessed Virgin to any participation in the honours of the Deity.
The arms of the Abbey and Parish of Waltham Holy Cross are represented on the screen, namely, two angels exalting the Cross.
And certainly it was not Lionardo's fault if, through his writings, Cosimo was not famous in the memory of posterity, since he let no opportunity escape of exalting him to the skies with all manner of praises.
I learned, and exercised with passion all that which is capable ofexalting the mind and ennobling the heart.
To see Bianca Stella truly was to realise that it is not desire but a sacred awe which nakedness inspires, an intoxication of the spirit rather than of the senses, no flame of lust but rather a purifying and exalting fire.
In the one case, as in the other, it is Intelligence which is at fault, the enlightened brain, the calm and discerning eye that can see things for what they are, neither debasing nor exalting them.
It is exalting multitudes of ignoble lives by hopes that are profound, far-reaching, and sublime.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "exalting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.