The step which follows the arrest and condemnation of the evildoer is isolation, with a view to the formation of new habits.
But the second step, a step far more important than the arrest of the evildoer in order to arrest the evildoing, is more likely to be contested and misunderstood.
They will now all believe that your father was an evildoer and that you yourself are no better.
Khaled therefore hesitated as to whether he should tell his story from the beginning, or hold his peace; but in the end he decided to speak, because it was intolerable to him to be thought an evildoer by her.
The pronouncement of blessings is very brief; the curses are reiterated in various forms, and numerous gods and goddesses are appealed to by name to destroy the evildoer and his reign.
Let him root out the wicked andevildoer from the land!
Foolishly do they think that the messenger or the messenger's Sender has any 'pleasure in the death of the wicked'; and as foolishly do they take the message to be unkind, for surely to warn that destruction waits the evildoer is gracious.
It is mercy that here chastises the evildoer with whips, in hope of not having to chastise him with scorpions.
For example, who else but you alone, in truth, could have felt compassion for such an evildoer as I was, accustomed to a cruel livelihood, which made me resemble a messenger of Death?
Where is it ever seen that an evildoer is brought to reason by a cure consisting in a virtuous behaviour towards him, modesty, and kindness?
So there was an upright man, possibly a very Hugo in character, who was thwarting and defying the evildoer in his nefarious career, and there was a dastardly plot afoot to break his neck!
He who loves the right must suffer, and the evildoer flourishes!
But, be that as it may, I am an assassin, and it behoves me to expiate my crime, submitting to those whom God has called to judge any evildoer in the land.
He drew a powerful picture of the life of the evildoer here below.
But at night, with the Bible open before him, and the passionate Hebrew invective against the evildoer appealing to his narrowed vision, he cast these forebodings to the wind.
God hath chosen for bringing an evildoer to justice.
My brother's real name, his parentage, might explain the motive which led an evildoer to commit such an appalling crime.
Decidedly, thisevildoer is carrying out his designs and has succeeded sooner than I thought would be possible.
Am I not in the power of an evildoer anxious to ensure impunity for his crimes and to defy the law by seeking refuge in this undiscoverable burrow?