A mournful parting ended this happy visit, Stein having written to Wolfgang's father in the most eulogisticmanner concerning his son's performances.
They apply to Nature all theeulogistic predicates previously associated with divine law; or natural law is conceived of as the only true divine law.
For the eulogistic qualities which Bergson attributes to the elan vital flow not from its nature but from a reminiscence of the optimism of romanticism, an optimism which is only the reverse side of pessimism about actualities.
The word "principle" is a eulogistic cover for the fact of tendency.
This eulogistic work contains only the scantiest details of Girard's career.
It is usually set forth, in the plenitude of eulogistic biographies, that their thrift and ability were the foundation of the family's immense fortune.
If we are to accept the superficial, perfunctory accounts of Astor's real estate investments in New York City, then he will appear in the usual eulogistic light of a law-loving, sagacious man engaged in a legitimate enterprise.
Sistare and Edward Schell, were induced to make an examination of the controller's books and hand in a most eulogistic report, commending Connolly for his honesty and his faithfulness to duty.
All this, including the whole of the letter, was published in the newspapers, with eulogistic comments, in which the student was spoken of as the "Learned Blacksmith.
Gardener was nominated by "Big Steve," in a eulogistic speech that was part of the farce; and the convention ratified the nomination with the unanimity of a stage mob.
The eulogistic connotation that makes the term Reality equivalent to true or genuine being has great pragmatic significance, but its confusion with reality as existence is the point aimed at in the above paragraph.
That would have been rather a cruel fate," I remarked, somewhat amused at hereulogistic description of her husband's strength.
At the east end of the aisle on the screen are seven brass plates, 'chiefly inscribed with English and Latin verses, admonitory to the reader and eulogistic of the Arundells,' e.
Of course he had heard that Morton was to marry Arabella Trefoil, and though he made no direct allusion to the fact, as Reginald had done, he spoke in that bland eulogistic tone which clearly showed his purpose.
All his remembrances of the old squire wereeulogistic and affectionate.
He alluded in eulogistic terms to the capability of the gentlemen about to address them and, after regretting the unavoidable absence of Lt-Col.
To ideas almost invariably languid or cold, a number-one forceful personality was sure to rouse his eulogistic passion and savage joy.
Cox of New York, while these committees were absent, read something from my pen eulogistic of William Lloyd Garrison; and Lewis Tappan and Amos A.
My attention was first called to the works of the poet Jasmin by the eulogistic articles which appeared in the Revue des Deux Mondes, by De Mazade, Nodier, Villemain, and other well-known reviewers.
Then follows a eulogistic and, as I think, a correct criticism on the book as far as it had gone.
It is one of those eulogistic words that both sides claim--for almost no one is willing to advertise his philosophy as a system of irrationality.
Hunters and explorers had reported in eulogistic terms on the rich goldfields and healthy plateau lands of Matabeleland and Mashonaland, over both of which countries a powerful chief, Lobengula, claimed authority.
Compounds were made containing only a small quantity of lard or none at all, yet were sold as ``choice refined lard'' or under other eulogistic names.
In 1906 the prowess of Miss May Sutton, the American girl who carried off the Ladies' Championship at Wimbledon, is celebrated in eulogistic "Limericks.
Some notables and friends of the late Minister sat on the platform around the coffin, and the mayor, in the name of the inhabitants of the city, delivered a speech, a eulogisticfuneral oration, on the deceased diplomatist.
My lectures have never been criticised in more kind, flattering, and eulogistic terms than in the St. Paul and the Minneapolis papers, which I am reading on my way to Chicago.
That body arranged to honor the hero as soon as he appeared in the House, by a eulogistic address by the speaker.