To that, doubtless, it may be said that in its etymological acceptation, entomology is that part of the natural sciences which includes all the articulates.
And now all will be told about this original when it is stated, that it was on account of his passion for entomology that he had accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Weldon to New Zealand.
VanLeeuwen, of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, has added much to our knowledge of these weevils in recent years.
There was a museum of natural history attached to the cottage, and we can easily imagine the wonderful specimens of entomology and ornithology there to be found.
I then began to buy books, and have continued, until today I possess a collection of works upon entomology which is said to be the largest in private hands in America.
A few facts like these serve to show that the study of entomology is not a study which deserves to be placed in the category of useless pursuits.
He was subject to fits of despondency, and during the continuance of such moods he sat with his beloved book on entomology upon his knee--touched now and then the breakfast cup with his lips, and seemed resolutely bent on being unhappy.
He was an early riser, and generally sat down to breakfast with a book on entomology in his hand.
Entomology was at that time a comparatively new science in this country, and it is an honorable proof of the correctness of the author's views that they are still acknowledged to be genuine.
Entomology in England; and to the successful results of his labors may he chiefly attributed the advance which has been made in this over other kindred departments of natural history.
The handbooks on entomology which I possess seem not to have heard of him.
They are all either front views or side views of the creatures, whereas those in books on entomology are generally views from above.
Protection against forest insects is carried out in cooperation with the Bureau of Entomology of the Department of Agriculture.
In cooperation with the Bureau of Entomology and the Bureau of Plant Industry the Forest Service is conducting a large number of studies and investigations dealing with the insects and diseases that do destructive damage to forests.
But the inherent tendencies of Darwin's nature drew him away from theology to the study of geology, entomologyand botany.
But as I am sure from your greater knowledge of ornithology and entomologythat you will write a much better discussion than I could, your paper will be of great use to me.
Address all communications to The Journal of Entomologyand Zoology William A.
The reader would hardly suspect how my slight acquaintance with entomology was unsettled by this inextricable maze of contradictory facts.
If entomology had no other scenes to show us, I should without the least regret turn my back upon my insects.
As is my duty, I have some knowledge of entomology and can, therefore, be of a little service in such cases.
Alan Stone, of the United States Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine.
Sabrosky, of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine; and the larvae of Oedemagena and Cephenemyia by Dr.
Botany of Malacca | 1855 | Zoologist | The Entomology of Malacca Sept.
Insect Life By John Henry Comstock, Professor of Entomologyin Cornell University.
The study of entomologyis one of the most fascinating of pursuits.
The entomology of Tallum, like its botany, was Siberian, Arctic types occurring at lower elevations than in the wetter parts of Sikkim.
If the evolution of the various Anthrax flies were better known to us, the number of these arches would, I believe, be of great service to entomology in the differentiation of species.
It is as well that the wonders of entomology should sometimes give us a hint of commonplace utility.
The great systematic collections in entomology in the United States are for the most part in the hands of the museums and universities of the country.
In spite of this fact it will remain to the American student a classic, holding a place in the domain of entomology analogous to that which is held in the science of ornithology by the "Birds of America," by Audubon.
In the annals of entomology the year 1868 is memorable because of the issue of the first part of the great work by William H.
For the New England student of entomology it remains to a greater or less extent a classic.
An instrument which is almost indispensable to the student of entomology is the forceps.
The complete destruction of all dead animals by burning has been found by the Bureau of Entomology to be by far the best method of controlling screw worms.
When I learned that the missing man was devoted to entomology the identification was complete.
The Vandeleurs found it convenient to change their name to Stapleton, and he brought the remains of his fortune, his schemes for the future, and his taste for entomology to the south of England.