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Example sentences for "enticements"

Lexicographically close words:
enthusiasts; entia; entice; enticed; enticement; entices; enticeth; enticing; entiende; entiendo
  1. The woman represents the sensual state, or the sphere in which such enticements and temptations make themselves felt.

  2. Rather recall your manner of life when you were free from righteousness and obeyed only the urgings and enticements of sin.

  3. To use the enticements of a siren; to act as a siren; to fascinate.

  4. One who, or that which, seduces; specifically, one who prevails over the chastity of a woman by enticements and persuasions.

  5. My future enticements shall therefore address themselves to her senses.

  6. I can turn a deaf ear to enticements the most alluring, and sounds the most insinuating.

  7. Her demands involved a renunciation of the world, a superiority to all the enticements of bodily appetites, a lofty scorn of secular bonds and social concerns.

  8. Disdaining all enticements to remain in society, she began her monastic career with joy and turned her home into a retreat for women who, like herself, wished to retire from the world.

  9. But with the larger number the enticements of appetite are as strong and enslaving in one grade of society as in another, and the disturbance of normal conditions as great.

  10. They may hold out their enticements for him in vain.

  11. All repeat the old arguments, the old enticements to a less than lawful love.

  12. Defn: One who, or that which, seduces; specifically, one who prevails over the chastity of a woman by enticements and persuasions.

  13. Defn: To use the enticements of a siren; to act as a siren; to fascinate.

  14. The enticements of a good book are hard to resist, especially if you have no inclination to resist, but tumble a ready victim to the writer's charm.

  15. So you are handed on from one month to another throughout the gardener's calendar by endless enticements which keep the interest gently simmering.

  16. This northern suburb grew more gradually, at first, than its southern sister, whose sunny breast had enticements for gardeners and for vine-growers.

  17. There is an excellent general account of him in Roscher's article in his Lexicon, which, like that on Janus, has the advantage of being the result of a second elaborate study, free from the enticements of the comparative method.

  18. Body and soul are alive to all the enticements of the world of sense; and in certain critical moments, the entire sensorium, upon the approach of bold and powerful excitements, flutters and trembles like an electrometer in a thunder-storm.

  19. In the latter since sin entered, the tempter has found manifold enticements to lead men astray.

  20. There were many enticements to wavering, many trials which made the firm hold on strong faith difficult to maintain.

  21. It was this divine fear and love which preserved Joseph from the enticements of Potiphar's wife, and it still guards us against the snares of an evil world.

  22. For flesh and blood naturally strive against the word of God, and that holiness of life which it requires: and are, besides, inconstant and weak, and prone to yield to the enticements of the world.

  23. Let the enticements to lust and voluptuousness be beaten down, by the agony and pains which thy Lord suffered in his holy body.

  24. Then she would resort to enticements in order to obtain her desire.

  25. This story I do therefore repeat, that you may see of what force these enticements are, if they be opportunely used, and how hard it is even for the most averse and sanctified souls to resist such allurements.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "enticements" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.