However, the gathering of some of the friends there will be a cause of enkindling the fire of the love of God and the organization of a Bahai meeting will be harmless.
I ask God to augment thy faith, certainty, steadfastness and firmness, that thus thou mayest be a cause for enkindling the fire of the love of God in the hearts of the maid-servants of God.
Things set on fire and dug down," says that "every sin is due either to fear inducing false humility, or to love enkindling us to undue ardor.
The evil star of my destiny had got in the ascendant and shot down its sparks upon me, enkindling in me a most singular but at the same time a most pernicious passion.
From the first moment of beholding you, I felt love for you enkindling my heart, I became aware of an unknown happiness.
What a scene of sublime grandeur will open on us then, enkindling emotions of astonishment and joyous delight infinitely beyond any ever previously felt!
You could feel the same spirit of vengeance enkindling their every soul.
My lungs were gasping in their quest for thatenkindling elastic fluid required for breathing, now growing scarcer and scarcer.
Gentlemen, it is with honest pride and fresh inspiration that we gather once a year to revive our enkindling story.
If we seek the enkindling fire and the moral elevation of high principle and profound conviction and resolute courage, we find a never-ceasing inspiration in the unfaltering earnestness and imperishable deeds of the Pilgrim Fathers.
A name above all names of heroes, higher Than song may sound or heart of man aspire, Rings as the very voice that speaks the sea To-day from all the sea's enkindling lyre.
But never, since bright earth was born In rapture of the enkindling morn, Might godlike wrath and sunlike scorn That was and is And shall be while false weeds are worn Find word like his.
Over the head Of brave Epeius stood she in his dream, And bade him build a Horse of tree: herself Would labour in his labour, and herself Stand by his side, to the work enkindling him.
Her smile was ravishing: beneath her brows Her love-enkindling eyes shone like to stars, And with the crimson rose of shamefastness Bright were her cheeks, and mantled over them Unearthly grace with battle-prowess clad.
If it be I that shall begin to yield to-day, do thou stir my valor, uttering reproaches and words of condemnation against me, so that my wrath shall grow upon me, enkindling me again for the battle.
If I have the sacred fire burning in my own bosom, I will hope to be the means of enkindling it in the bosom of a few readers.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "enkindling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: incendiary; inflammatory; kindling; lighting