It is a werke of ryght special recomendacion to enforme and to late vnderstonde wysedom and vertue vnto them that be not lernyd ne can not dyscerne wysedom fro folye.
Andrea Dittis, retorned from Langasaque yisternight in all hast, to send up new replies to the Cort to enforme against Hollanders.
Adames did enforme them the trew occation thereof, how they Portingals did still molest our shiping at Surat, so that now we had wars against them and comition to take either Spa.
Our men being ioyful of his comming, they began to enforme him what wonders they had sene a horseman do, which came to succour them, demanding of him which of their company it was.
And thë he determined to send one of the wenches to call hir maister, and to enforme him how well they were intreated.
The Indians laughed at his talke, and skorning at him, they returned to the Towne, to enforme their fellowes of the pride and madnesse that they thought they hadde hearde.
These Eglogues came after to containe and enforme morall discipline, for the amendment of mans behauiour, as be those of Mantuan and other moderne Poets.
He sayes my lord John Vaughan can enforme me, and haz a copie of his will: which vide.
For in the tellinge of his tale Nomore his herte thanne his male Hath remembrance of thilke forme, Wherof he scholde his wit enforme As thanne, and yit ne wot he why.
Bot overthis, so as I dar, With al min herte I you beseche, That ye me wolde enforme and teche 3700 What ther is more of youre aprise In love als wel as otherwise, So that I mai me clene schryve.
And thanne of leisir sche him tolde, 3500 And gan fro point to point enforme Of his bataile and al the forme, Which as he scholde finde there, Whan he to thyle come were.
Mi fader, for that ye nou telle, I have herd ofte time telle Of Jelousie, bot what it is Yit understod I nevere er this: Wherfore I wolde you beseche, That ye me wolde enforme and teche 450 What maner thing it mihte be.
Mi Sone, that thou miht enforme Thi pacience upon the forme Of old essamples, as thei felle, Now understond what I schal telle.
I have, I will obeye me, and offre me to abyde the rewle of you and my cosin your brothir, &c.
Item, I desyre to know who ben the residew, the remenant of the co-executors of the Lord Wyllughbye,[73.
Item, it ys told me that ther be many Freynche shyppys of se a geyns Yamothe, a[nd .
And whan the seid Edward undirstod the takyng of the seid bests he went to Yelverton and Jenney, and bond hym in an obligacon of xli.
Lord Norwych, and enforme hym of the trought of the mater, he shal never presente ner inducte non tyl the ryght of the patentes be discussed, and also we may after wardes hald a melius inquirendum.
This day I come home; and as to our materes, I shall be with yow on Monday and Teusday next, be my maisters advys, and enforme yow of all, and of suche as I will not write.
The abbot of Seint Benettes hathe ben with me, and suche as he tolde me the bringer shall enforme you.
I had foryete to hafe told yow Maister Fylongley meoved me to enforme my maister to hafe a generalle pease, so it myzt be worshypfull.
I have often tymes writyn to Pampyng accordyng to your desire, to enforme you hou I have labourd in wrytyngs for you; and I see wele he speke not to your maistership of hit.
Item, to enforme my moder that if so be that we may be pute in possessyon of all the hole maner duryng oure two lyves, and the lengest of leveing, that then Mastyr Brews wyll geve me in maryage with my mastresse hys doughter CCCC.
Ther has ben a gret breke be twyx Calle and me, as I schal enforme zow at my coming, wyche schalle be on Wedynsday next be the grace of God, who preserve zow.
Howsoever it may appeare to you, it shall suffice mee to enforme you, that it hath the best warrant that can bee, publique authority, and private friends.
Calle shall enforme you, and of other maters also, the whych I may not wryte to you of at thys tyme.
And also to late you wite that I herde reperte ye shuld be wedded unto a Doughter of the Duchez of Somerset, which mater, and I spake with you, I couth enforme your maistership that were to longe to write as nowe.
And after the juges undrestod the trouthe he gave the baly of Cossey befor me and many other a passyng gret rebuke, seyng without he amended hes condicion and governaunce, thei wuld enforme the Kynge and helpe that he schuld be punyschet.
Your son John Paston the yonger, I hope shal be with you thys wyke and enforme you of mo thyngys, and howe myn hors and hys sadell and harnys ys prysoner at Coshaye Halle and have ben ever syn Wensday last.
I must beseche zow of zowr good mastershepe and help in secrete maner as the Ser Thomas Lynes, the brynger of thys, shall enforme zow.
Call shall enforme you of thys maters, and mo other, more playnly than I may do wryte at thys tyme.
If it please yow to enquere of Symond, brynger of this letter, he shall enforme you of her langage.
For if god wol, I shal hem so enforme to thee, that thy 5 leudnesse which I have understande in that mater shal openly be clered, and thy sight in ful loking therin amended.
But of my disese me list now a whyle to speke, and to enforme you in what maner of blisse ye have me thronge.
But now, to enforme thee of this Margarites goodnesse, I may her not halfe preyse.
And therfore now I praye [thee] to enforme me in this; or els I holde me without recovery.
The want of means to know the Law, totally Excuseth: For the Law whereof a man has no means to enforme himself, is not obligatory.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "enforme" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.