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Example sentences for "endocarp"

Lexicographically close words:
endlong; endo; endocardial; endocarditis; endocardium; endochrome; endocrine; endoderm; endodermal; endogamous
  1. In the medlar the endocarp becomes of a stony hardness.

  2. Thus in the date the epicarp is the outer brownish skin, the pulpy matter is the mesocarp or sarcocarp, and the thin papery-like lining is the endocarp covering the hard seed.

  3. The rind of the orange consists of epicarp and mesocarp, while the endocarp forms partitions in the interior, filled with pulpy cells.

  4. The endocarp is usually hard, forming the stone (putamen) of the fruit, which encloses the kernel or seed.

  5. In the melon the epicarp and endocarp are very thin, while the mesocarp forms the bulk of the fruit, differing in texture and taste in its external and internal parts.

  6. Great difficulty is experienced in cutting microtome sections of pericarp when the specimen is embedded in paraffin, because the outer layers are soft and the endocarp is hard, and the two parts of the section separate at this point.

  7. Defn: The hard endocarp of drupes; as, the stone of a cherry or peach.

  8. As in the peach the outer portion of the fruit coat (sarcocarp) is fleshy, the inner portion (endocarp or putamen) is hard and encloses the kernel or seed to which the term almond is usually applied.

  9. The Romans designated the almonds (the kernels or seeds with the hard endocarp or shell) Nuces graecae (Greek nuts), from which it is concluded that the almond tree was brought to Italy from Greece.

  10. Fruit drupe-like when fresh, more or less compressed; endocarp (nutlet) crustaceous.

  11. Fruit fleshy and drupe-like, pear shaped; the globose endocarp thin.

  12. Fruit wedge-shaped or club-shaped, more or less corky toward the summit, the hard endocarp perforated at the apex.

  13. Fruit with a fibrous-fleshy indehiscent epicarp, and a mostly rough irregularly furrowed endocarp or nut-shell.

  14. Fruit obconic, composed of 3 or 4 dry woody 1-seeded indehiscent carpels with a cartilaginous endocarp and with a prominent horizontal wing, separating at maturity.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "endocarp" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.