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Example sentences for "enamored"

Lexicographically close words:
enamelled; enameller; enamellers; enamelling; enamels; enamost; enamour; enamoured; encamp; encamped
  1. Point out to me the way of this perfection, And I will follow you; for you have made My soul enamored with it, and I cannot Rest satisfied until I find it out.

  2. Out of the heart Rises the bright ideal of these dreams, As from some woodland fount a spirit rises And sinks again into its silent deeps, Ere the enamored knight can touch her robe!

  3. T is this ideal that the soul of man, Like the enamored knight beside the fountain, Waits for upon the margin of Life's stream; Waits to behold her rise from the dark waters, Clad in a mortal shape!

  4. The Primus of great Alcala Enamored of a Gypsy?

  5. No; nature is too much enamored with harmony to be guilty of so gross a contradiction, and that which is harmonious in the world of the understanding could not be rendered by a discord in the world of sense.

  6. Kindly they See the bright locks of youth enamored play, And where the glad one goes, shed gladness round the way.

  7. Can this be done more certainly amid the thunders of a throne, where the wheels of government creak incessantly upon the tortured ear, than on the heaving bosom of an enamored woman?

  8. They love few; but once having become enamored are not easily turned aside.

  9. When he becomes enamored of an author he reads everything he writes.

  10. As he became famous, he grew indifferent to her, for he was enamored of a bearded man, Dialogue, said to be the son of Philosophy.

  11. A city woman, Lycaenium, married to a swain, heard their childish talk and being half enamored of Daphnis undertook to complete Philetas' instruction in the art of love and having had experience she taught him all.

  12. That giant had become dear to those people enamored of physical strength; he was the first personage in Rome.

  13. All of it was of the kind that must be done at once or not at all--and Work is the one mistress who, if she be enamored enough of a man to resolve to have him and no other, can compel him, whether he be enamored of her or not.

  14. In the fall of 1778 he was stationed in Schoharie county, where he became enamored of a young girl of sixteen, named Margaret Feeck.

  15. The baronet, who was a witness of the spectacle, admiring the spirit of the young squaw, and becoming enamored of her person, took her home as his wife.

  16. The young King of Spain was perfectly enamored of his lovely bride.

  17. The unaffected timidity and modesty of her demeanor, her brilliant complexion, large and languishing blue eyes, and profusion of flaxen hair, were enough of themselves to excite the admiration of one so enamored of beauty as was Louis XIV.

  18. Upon one occasion, when he was desperately enamored of a lady whom he wished to marry, he got Irving to write for him a love-letter, containing an offer of his heart and hand.

  19. He was as deeply enamored as George William Curtis with the highest ideals of life for America, and, like Curtis, his expression caught the grace and distinction of those ideals.

  20. Everything but that morning face, pale with young emotion, looking at her with enamored eyes, vanished from her mind; everything else counted for nothing, went like chaff upon the wind.

  21. But although Glenn became daily more enamored of the girl, he wasn't so satisfied with things as they were.

  22. So now she stood, an armed camp of a nation, enamored of war, and completely civilized in all external things.

  23. A priestess of Venus, with whom Leander was so enamored that he swam across the Hellespont every night to visit her, but at last was drowned; when Hero saw the fate of her lover she threw herself into the sea and was also drowned.

  24. It is a charming sight, and one ever to be remembered, to watch these enamored birds as they press their several suits.

  25. Enamored by so many, he is sometimes disposed to be gay and trifling, and to dally with the affections of some pure and simple-minded female.

  26. She must have divined long ago that you were enamored of her.

  27. It was only gratitude after all, although he, enamored like an artist of this unrivaled beauty, would have sacrificed fortune to possess her.

  28. The divine friends must be attracted to and enamored of each other and ever be ready and willing to sacrifice their own lives for each other.

  29. Could ye know how my soul glows with your love, so great a happiness would flood your hearts as to cause you to become enamored with each other.

  30. Parker had feminine attributes, and was slightly enamored of them; thought, or tried to think them the glory of his manhood; but the masculine greatly predominated in him.

  31. In the list of the Transcendentalists Cyrus Augustus Bartol must not be forgotten, a soaring mind enamored of thoughts on divine things, inextricably caught in the toils of speculation.

  32. I was never enamored of the sea service; and certainly the way to overcome my dislike was not by engaging against my own country; and yet this, in all likelihood, was now to be my fate.

  33. The Basque had never been on the mountain before, but he had heard about the bears and their audacious raids, and he was not at all enamored of his job.

  34. Whoever reads Froissart needs to remember that the old chronicler is too much enamored of chivalry, and is too easily dazzled by splendor of rank, to be a rigidly just censor of faults committed by knights and nobles and kings.

  35. I should be enamored of the spirit of the English nation did it not utterly frustrate the good effects it would produce by passion and the spirit of party.

  36. Were ye to realize how this conscience is attracted with the love of the friends, unquestionably ye would obtain such a degree of joy and fragrance that ye would all become enamored with each other!

  37. I will now relate how it happened that the Emperor himself played the role of peacemaker between two sub-officers who were enamored of the same beauty.

  38. When Perseus was grown up, Polydectes, who was enamored of his mother, finding him an obstacle to their union, contrived to send him on an exploit, which he hoped would be fatal to him.

  39. He became enamored of Daphne, daughter of the river Peneus of Thessaly.

  40. He had for a long time been anxious for a visit from Bach, but that great man was too much enamored of his own quiet musical solitude to run hither and thither at the beck of kings.

  41. She was enchanted by the playing of Moscheles, and, when she accidentally made the acquaintance of the performer at the house of a mutual acquaintance, the couple quickly became enamored of each other.

  42. Spohr had been two years a widower when he became enamored of one of the daughters of Court Councilor Pfeiffer.

  43. De Bériot became madly enamored of her at once, and pressed his suit with vehemence, but without success.

  44. And she herself became warmly enamored of the images rising up in her memory, illumined and beautified by her feeling.

  45. Enamored swains haunted the schoolhouse at the hour of dismissal.

  46. While a youth, pursuing his studies at famous Salamanca, he had become enamored of the charms of Dona Carmen de Torrencevara, as that lady passed to her matutinal devotions.

  47. In this mood she bestows her favor upon the king's half-brother, Don Juan of Austria, who is also enamored of the queen and has been watching Carlos suspiciously.

  48. Here was a tempting theme for a young dramatist who had fed his own soul upon Plutarch, was enamored of 'greatness' in whatever form, and had already tried his hand upon a 'sublime criminal.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "enamored" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    amorous; besotted; bewitched; captivated; charmed; enamored; enchanted; enraptured; fascinated; infatuate; infatuated; loving; smitten