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Example sentences for "eflie"

Lexicographically close words:
effusion; effusions; effusive; effusively; effusiveness; efry; efte; efter; eftir; efts
  1. This enterprise which he made into Northumberland, he tooke in hand chéeflie at the suit and request of Roger Mowbray, from whome Geffrey (who after was bishop of Lincolne) K.

  2. She believed, quite sincerely, that Eflie was gaining riches in the offices of Manchester and withholding a share from her in simple self-indulgence.

  3. Whatever was fine in him, whatever reacted from an Eflie come to earth, was due to her, and she was proud of him even when, as now, he used her tempered steel against her.

  4. He tried to blarney a consenting smile out of the figure of Eflie he imagined sitting in her chair.

  5. It was once spoiled by the Scots in the time of king Athelstane, chéeflie by Anlafus in his flight from the bloudie battell, wherein Constantine king of Scotland was ouercome: secondlie by the Scots 1388.

  6. With vs it is accounted a great péece of seruice at the table, from Nouember vntill Februarie be ended; but chéeflie in the Christmasse time.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "eflie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.