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Example sentences for "durin"

Lexicographically close words:
duress; duresse; dureth; durian; durians; during; duringe; durion; durius; durn
  1. Durin a recent visit to New York the undersined went to see Edwin Forrest.

  2. Durin the Cheaf's techin speech he sed he shood meet me in the Happy Huntin Grounds.

  3. For sixteen years he was confined in a loathsum dunjin, not tastin food durin all that time.

  4. A parsel of ornery cusses in that luvly sity bustid inter the hawl durin the nite and aboosed my wax works shaimful.

  5. Durin her discourse, the exsentric female grabed me by the coat-kollor & was swinging her umbreller wildly over my hed.

  6. I went to Como, Mississippi twice a week to get the mail all durin the war.

  7. Coase dey was passin through dat country all durin de war en come to de colored people's house en get somethin to eat.

  8. I had to thin cotton en drop peas en corn en I was a half [HW: hand] two years durin de war.

  9. There was, in every instance, the same astonishment expressed at seein me, the same cauldness exhibited, and the same mysterious silence maintained durin my visit.

  10. Durin the airly days of O'Connell, the repale of the Union and the abolition of the Church Establishment would have worked merricles.

  11. I guess the inspecters get payed by the day durin the duration of the inspecshun.

  12. Hoping you are the same Bill Dere Mable: I been thinkin of you a lot durin the last weak, Mable, havin nothin else to do.

  13. Modsogner was one dwarf and Durin another.

  14. In the likeness of men Made they many Dwarfs in the earth, As Durin said.

  15. Angelina made noa reply to what shoo considered a varry unfeelin remark, an for th' furst time durin ther wedded life shoo began to suspect at Bob wor noa better nor th' rest o' fowk.

  16. The Hermit vested himself to say mass, and the Damsel with Durin and Enil entered.

  17. El Patin raised himself as well as he could, and tried to catch his bridle, but Durin turned aside.

  18. Durin departed from Amadis when it was clear day-light, and he passed by El Patin, who had taken off the piece of his helmet that was left, and had his face and neck all bloody.

  19. So Durin mounted his palfrey the next morning and departed.

  20. Durin laughed, and answered, Truly, Sir Knight, if there be no more prowess in you than you have just now manifested, you would have gained little honour!

  21. In twenty days all was ready, as he had ordered it, and at the end of that time Durin arrived.

  22. Durin was ready to take his horse, and his fair friends expected him at the garden-wall.

  23. Enil and Durin assisted to lift him up, and they carried him into his chamber, and laid him upon a poor bed, and neither of them knew him.

  24. He made himself known to Durin there, and took Enil for his Squire, who knew not whom it was that he served, but was well content with him for his gentle speech.

  25. When Durin saw him so disordered, he cursed himself and his ill fortune, and death, that had not overtaken him on the way.

  26. But at the end of ten days he took Enil for his squire and, accompanied by Durin and the Damsel, set out for the English Court.

  27. Landing with Durin and an attendant, Enil, she found Amadis praying in the chapel, and when he beheld the Damsel's face he fainted away.

  28. No, mam, she ain' have de fever all de time, but dere would come a slow fever dat would rise on her every night en eat up what strength she had caught durin de day.

  29. I tell you it a bad place up dere in Mullins durin dis tobacco time.

  30. Ma, she say dat she fared good en dey didn' ill treat her no time, but wouldn' never allow dem to get out de family no more durin slavery days.

  31. Then was Môtsognir created greatest of all the dwarfs, and Durin second; there in man's likeness they created many dwarfs from earth, as Durin said.

  32. Modsognir, chief Of the dwarfish race, And Durin too Were then created.

  33. Modsognir and Durin are the principal ones.

  34. And like to men Dwarfs in the earth Were formed in numbers As Durin ordered.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "durin" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    during good; during his; during life; during many; during our; during pregnancy; during recent; during several; during sleep; during some; during that; during the; during the breeding season; during the first half; during the greater part; during the last year; during the last years; during the past year; during the present session; during the rainy season; during the same period; during the whole course; during the whole time; during their; during those; during winter