It suggested and seemed to propose to Clara's mind the divineness of separation instead of the deadly accuracy of an intimate perusal.
She tried hard, but could get no other terrible tangle for her hero's exhibition of flaming azure divineness than the vile one of the wedded woman.
The essence of the Scandinavian, as indeed of all Pagan Mythologies, we found to be recognition of the divineness of Nature; sincere communion of man with the mysterious invisible Powers visibly seen at work in the world round him.
Welcome, then, be the approach of death which shall cleanse and dislimit me into unimprisonable divineness of being, the crystalline sphere of pure intelligence and immortality!
Heaven, as a private experience, is the harmonized intercourse of the soul with the divineness in its surrounding conditions.
The divineness of the student's life and of the teacher's life might also be dwelt upon.
I might speak to you of the divineness of wedded life, the divineness of Christian fatherliness and motherliness.
The divineness of all efforts tending towards the solace and comforting of suffering human souls,--that too is one of the beneficent thoughts involved in the great Christian truth that God is the Father of humanity.
Thus too I might speak of the divineness of the work of those who enable us to see the results of the Divine guidance bestowed on the world in the ages past.
I might speak to you in like manner of the divineness of manhood and of womanhood, and of the divineness of old age.
I might also speak of the divineness of the labours of the Christian poet, who presents to the world truth in its feminine and most winning aspects.
It would thus be quite justifiable to speak of the divineness of scientific toil, inasmuch as that has for its aim the unfolding of the thoughts of God, of which all appearances of the material world are the outcome and manifestation.
There is the divineness of youth, the frankness of Christian boyhood, the tender grace of Christian girlhood,--these are manifestations of the eternal youth abiding in the Divine Lord of humanity.
When I should have spoken of all these things they could all be summed up into one phrase--the divineness of Humanity.
So that the doctrine of the loving Fatherhood of God has sheltering beneath it the thought of the divineness of childhood.
In the first place, Carlyle with true critical instinct caught the essence of it; to him it seemed to have "a rude childlike way of recognizing the divineness of Nature, the divineness of Man.
The relations of family and of the State, of business and social life, are to be restored to the divineness which belongs to them, or rather, the divineness which is inalienable from them is to be recognised.
Men contended for the divineness of Jesus in terms which by definition shut out his true humanity.
These hold to the essential divineness of humanity and preeminently of Christ, the unique representative of mankind, who was, in this sense, a true incarnation of Deity.
The Divineness of it becomes still more conspicuous when it approves itself as the One Spirit, triumphing in persons of diverse tempers and characters.
They apprehended feebly the spirituality and Divineness of Christ's religion; and what they did apprehend they wished to enslave, for themselves and others, in a carnal system of rules and ritual that tended to stifle and to bury the truth.
She believed that a divineness had wakened in her there, to strengthen her to the end, ward her from any complicity in her sex's culprit blushing.
True poets and true women have the native sense of the divineness of what the world deems gross material substance.
And so in our time theologians prefer to rest it on foundations that cannot be shaken, on his moral oneness with God, the divineness of his spirit, the ideal perfectness of his life.
You must love the uninspired poems for the sake of the divineness of the inspired poems.
The divineness of its blue where it was deep, the clearness of its green where it was shallow, lying tideless along its amber shores?
We may almost read the Divineness of Christ's mission in the manner of its manifestation.
If miracles were needed to attest the Divineness of His mission, there was no need of the constant succession of them, no need, that they should form a part, and a large part, of the daily task.
Now he sees, that with every accession of the personal divine to him, some great land-slide of the general surrounding divineness slips from him, and falls crashing away.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "divineness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: divinity; godliness; holiness