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Example sentences for "divesting"

Lexicographically close words:
divertissements; diverts; dives; divest; divested; divests; divi; divide; divided; dividend
  1. Mr. Hargrove was leisurely divesting himself of his heavy overcoat, and the terrier ran up and down the hall, holding his nose high in the air, and barking furiously.

  2. What a singular gift the fellow had of divesting things and people of their garments, of tearing away their veil of shams, and their phylacteries!

  3. True to his fatal gift of divesting things of clothing, Ferrand had not vanished without showing up his patron in his proper colours; even to Shelton those colours were made plain.

  4. Bladud required no second entreaty, but hastily divesting himself of his princely garments, assisted the boy in extricating the sheep from the water.

  5. Divesting himself of his humble clothing and elate with joy and hope, he plunged into the warm salt ooze bed, wherein his pigs had reveled with so much advantage.

  6. The Major, meanwhile, had joined the party and without divesting himself of either cloak, shako, or sword, dashed into the fray with considerably greater zeal than he had displayed when going the rounds.

  7. Meanwhile Victor, who had returned to his tent, gave free vent to his anger, and while Alberic was divesting him of his mantle, shook his head with most unequivocal marks of resentment.

  8. Hastily divesting himself of the sumptuous costume with which he had thought to dazzle the King of France and his great vassals, Barbarossa seated himself before the Chancellor.

  9. Thus a multiform creation may exist in Brahman also, one as it is, without divesting it of its character of unity.

  10. Brahman previously called ether, and thus divesting itself of the state of specific cognition appears in its own (true) nature.

  11. The generality of Pastoral Writers seem to think they must make their Pieces simple, by divesting them of all the Ornaments of Poetry; and the less and more inconsiderable Sketches they are, the more Simple they are.

  12. O Kasyapa, if one continuously on the nature of the Jiva-soul and its connection with the Supreme Soul, one then succeeds in divesting oneself on all attributes and in beholding the Supreme Soul.

  13. By casting off the consciousness of body and the senses, by casting off all acts good and bad, by casting off both truth and falsehood, one succeeds in divesting oneself of attributes.

  14. Divesting myself of desire and wrath, and turning my gaze inwards, I shall go on, casting off pride of soul and body.

  15. Defn: The act of depriving or divesting of shoes.

  16. Defn: The act of depriving or divesting of flesh; excarnification; -- opposed to incarnation.

  17. War, however, is not the most favorable moment for divesting the monarchy of power.

  18. The theists own argument, if logically pursued ends in divesting it of all coercive value.

  19. You cannot have an infinite personality any more than you can have a six-sided octagon, nor can you posit an infinite personality without divesting the terms of all meaning.

  20. And it is a downright absurdity to speak of the possible existence of a "mind" while divesting it of all the qualities that characterise mind as we know it.

  21. I am not an opponent of introspective thought, but only desire to call your attention to the fact that it has led to the wrong habit of separating thought from sight, hearing, feeling, of divesting the mind of the body.

  22. Magna Mater divesting himself of his beautiful garments and giving them to the archigallus to wipe out all the misdeeds of the year (ut totum semel expiet annum).

  23. Yes, Rose Lincoln is here," she replied, gayly divesting herself of her wrapping.

  24. Scarcely were they out of sight of the house, when Sal, seating herself upon a large stone, commenced divesting her feet of her shoes and stockings.

  25. An athlete in the games naturally laid aside every weight, divesting himself of everything which might impede his running and rob him of the prize.

  26. Divesting himself of coat and vest, he stepped before the mirror and shaved off his gray mustache.

  27. Divesting himself of his coat he dropped into the revolving chair at his desk and swung around so as to sit with his back toward the outer office.

  28. The flowers would be much finer, and the bush handsomer, if they were regularly thinned out, divesting them of all naked and superfluous shoots.

  29. Notwithstanding all these efforts, however, the Rabbins have not succeeded in entirely supplanting the right explanation, and in thus divesting the passage of all that is dangerous to their system.

  30. To obviate all difficulty in this stage of the proceedings, Thurtell flung back his head and neck, and so gave the executioner an opportunity of immediately divesting him of that part of his dress.

  31. First, I took off my great-coat and spread it on the ground as comfortably as I could, placed her upon it, and then divesting myself of my thick, rough jacket wrapped her snugly in it.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "divesting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.