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Example sentences for "dimanche"

Lexicographically close words:
dilutions; diluvial; diluvian; diluvium; dim; dimber; dime; dimension; dimensional; dimensioned
  1. On appelle a Lyons, brandons, des rameaux verds auxquels on attache des gateaux, des oublies et des bugnes, le premier dimanche de careme.

  2. Le Chahut, Le Cirque and Un Dimanche a la Grande-Jatte are saturated with light, and in them is an undeniable order of parallel lines.

  3. Dimanche let out his secret to his countryman, who conveyed it to the queen.

  4. This was exactly the enterprise to suit Philip, and Captain Dimanche saw him more than once at dead of night, and the whole plot was settled.

  5. So a certain Captain Dimanche was sent by the Guises secretly to Monzon to broach the matter to Philip.

  6. The general put Dimanche in prison and put him to the question (torture) but Dimanche said nothing.

  7. Dimanche was nearly tempted, but not quite.

  8. But this Dimanche had not been off the island for years!

  9. This Dimanche was at once asked if he had found Christophe's treasure, for where else would a man find Spanish doubloons of a century ago?

  10. Away disappears Dimanche and has not been seen since.

  11. Dimanche to the contrary, there seemed to be no connection between this dead man and his own problem of getting to Tunney 21.

  12. Not that that was much comfort--she wasn't likely to return Dimanche after she'd made that discovery.

  13. Dimanche plus power equaled Manche, and Manche raised the user far above the level of other men.

  14. Dimanche interrupted: "There are also a few glands we've got to pick up.

  15. I think her 'emergency' was a fake," said Dimanche flatly as soon as she left.

  16. The existence of such an instrument as Dimanche was a key factor.

  17. The electronic guards which Dimanche had spoken of were still in place.

  18. The company that employed him wasn't anxious to let the secret of Dimanche get out.

  19. First you have to get there," Dimanche pointed out.

  20. For convenience of installation in the body, Dimanche was packaged in two units.

  21. How he fixes the deck," explained Dimanche in a lower and less painful tone.

  22. A shout from Dimanche was roughly equivalent to a noiseless kick in the head.

  23. It's just possible there are some breeds of men who can control the basic functions of their body," said Dimanche defensively.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dimanche" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.