In some cases a species is known to frequent only one species of tree.
No deintee morsel passed thurgh hire throte; Hire diete was accordant to hire cote.
Repletion ne made hire never sike; Attempre diete was all hire physike, And exercise, and hertes suffisance.
Therfore I will begin with diete wher I lefte, & then go furth with aier where I beganne in treatyng the causes, and declare the waie to auoide infection, and so furthe to the reste in order.
Diet I put, for that they of the contrarie diete be not troubled with it at all.
An example hereof may the wise man Socrates be, which by this sorte of diete escaped a sore pestilence in Athenes, neuer fleynge ne kepyng close him selfe from the same.
Truly who will lyue accordynge to nature and not to lust, may with this diete be well contented.
The cause hereof natural is onely this, that they caried ouer with them, & by lyke diete ther incresed that whiche was the cause of their disease.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "diete" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.