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Example sentences for "diachylon"

Lexicographically close words:
diabolical; diabolically; diabolism; diabolo; diacetic; diaconate; diacritical; diadem; diadems; diagnose
  1. The hands and feet should be soaked continuously in hot baths containing washing soda, and then should be covered with diachylon (or other) ointment.

  2. Fissure or cracks of the skin caused by callus are treated in the same manner: by prolonged soaking in hot water, paring away the edges, and applying diachylon ointment or cold cream to the part.

  3. Diachylon with the Gums is more active and efficacious; but it so greatly augments the Pain of some Persons afflicted with Boils, that they cannot bear it.

  4. Diachylon and of common Oil, of each the same Quantity, all melted together, and then stirred about well, after it is removed from the Fire, till it grows cold.

  5. Add one ounce of Orris in powder to every pound of Diachylon simple.

  6. USES: Used in plaster masses and as a basis for diachylon ointment.

  7. Diachylon pills are largely employed to induce abortion, and very often the woman taking them suffers severely from lead-poisoning.

  8. Diachylon ointment, and an ointment containing a drachm of tannin to the ounce; more especially applicable in hyperidrosis of the feet.

  9. Melt three ounces of diachylon with half an ounce of rosin, and when cooled to about the thickness of treacle, spread it upon a piece of smooth soft linen.

  10. A convenient plaster may also be made of an ounce of pitch, half an ounce of galbanum dissolved in vinegar, one scruple of ammoniac, and a dram and a half of diachylon mixed together.

  11. Take a piece of diachylon plaster, cut a hole in the centre the size of the wart, and stick it on, the wart protruding through.

  12. Get four ounces of white diachylon plaster, four ounces of shoemaker's wax, and sixty drops of muriatic acid or spirits of salt.

  13. Slice of bread prepared with diachylon or hooked pins to stick to Mr. Bullywingle's coat-tail.

  14. The diachylon can be purchased in lump form of any druggist.

  15. To conclude, Bezuquet the chemist made him up a miniature portable medicine chest stuffed with diachylon plaister, arnica, camphor, and medicated vinegar.

  16. It would therefore be better to carry the diachylon in a gallipot, and spread it when required on thin cotton.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "diachylon" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.