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Example sentences for "devant"

Lexicographically close words:
devachanic; devaient; devait; devaluation; devalued; devas; devastate; devastated; devastates; devastating
  1. Only one of them, except Devant himself, gave the gun-shy dog a thought.

  2. Marian Devant came out and looked into the face of the old man, shrewdly, understandingly.

  3. Larsen's the man to bring him out," said the big man in tweeds, who was George Devant himself.

  4. Marian Devant came out to visit him in his disgrace.

  5. Yet one of the judges had himself wheeled his horse about and was galloping off, and Marian Devant had pushed through the crowd and was riding toward the bewildered dog.

  6. The expression "devant Orléans" can hardly be tortured into a reference to anything else than Guise's assassination.

  7. Landed proprietors and their ci-devant serfs, emancipated only ten years before, evidently met for the moment on a footing of equality.

  8. Carol (ci-devant des Grignons)," maliciously adopting the obsolete way of spelling.

  9. This ci-devant Empress and Kennedy and Co.

  10. It was in a wretched furnished lodging on this street outside the walls that the ci-devant Beau Arthur, who had once dwelt in the fashionable precincts of the Champs-Elysees and the Chaussee d'Antin, had been compelled to take up his abode.

  11. My name is Arthur Cherami, former land-holder, ci-devant premier high-liver of the capital.

  12. Far from becoming wiser in the school of adversity, the ci-devant Beau Arthur retained the same passions, the same faults, and the same impertinence, as in his prosperous days.

  13. But all this did not prevent the ci-devant Beau Arthur from holding himself erect and eying everybody he met from top to toe.

  14. Such is the public spirit, and such have been the sufferings of the people in the ci-devant Lombardy; in Piedmont they are still worse off.

  15. For a ci-devant sans-culotte barber and galley-slave, you must grant this is a very modest sum.

  16. It is our duty to think of posterity," answered the ci-devant spendthrift, with a gravity that was actually pompous.

  17. Am not I a happy man, to find a friend in my ci-devant ward?

  18. Now the bullfinch was traced home to the ci-devant Virginia St. Pierre, the present Miss Hartley.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "devant" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.