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Example sentences for "dethroned"

Lexicographically close words:
detesting; detests; deth; dethe; dethrone; dethronement; dethrones; dethroning; detonate; detonated
  1. Then she will wage to the death the war of the peoples against the Kings, and soon the people will embrace before the spectacle of their dethroned tyrants; the earth will be consoled, the heavens satisfied!

  2. The dethroned Emperor was walking, in a revery, his hands crossed behind his back.

  3. Martial law in favor of the accomplices of a tyranny dethroned by the people!

  4. Deity dethroned and changed into a Dev to account for moral evil, 690-m.

  5. He, and not the People, dethroned the Bourbon, and drove the last King of the House of Orleans into exile.

  6. In July the French rose in arms, dethroned their dull and despotic king, Charles X.

  7. With small difficulty Bonaparte dethroned the Directory, and dispersed by force of arms the "Council of Five Hundred" which represented parliamentary government.

  8. Some fine day, that Rothbert will dethrone me absolutely, as his brother Eudes dethroned Charles the Fat!

  9. They burned incense to Clovis, the firebrand and blood-thirsty monster; they burned incense to Charles the Great who dethroned the stock of Clovis!

  10. They will dethrone him whenever it should please them, as they dethroned Charles the Fat and crowned in his stead Eudes, the Count of Paris, only twenty-five years ago.

  11. The dethroned Pontiff was still a power that helped to stem the tide of red republican revolution which rolled so angrily against the tottering throne of united Italy.

  12. The dethroned monarch took refuge in a distant country, and lived in concealment until Jason was old enough to be sent to some place of greater safety, for they knew that the cruel Pelias would try to seek him out and kill him.

  13. Meanwhile old Uranus had told Saturn, when the latter wrested from him his throne, that he himself would one day be dethroned by his children.

  14. Ophion and Eurynome ruled over Olympus till they were dethroned by Saturn and Rhea.

  15. This majority dethroned its traitor-king; but Mr. M'Neill maintains that France and England have dethroned "a monarch who was a friend and an ally.

  16. He had dethroned by this sudden revolution the fifth sovereign in the line of Heraclius.

  17. At the time Tiberius Apsimar was emperor, having dethroned Leontius.

  18. Upon the judgment of Pope Zacharias, the most powerful nation of the West dethroned the unworthy race of Clovis, and placed a nobler and more religious house on the throne of the Franks.

  19. He was taken before Augustus to answer for his misdeeds, but being unable to defend himself, he was dethroned and sent into exile among the Allobrogian races (6 C.

  20. They had suffered more than others in the revolution that dethroned him; and they had their reward in the restoration.

  21. It has risen to power at the expense of religion, and by reason of its decline, and naturally regards the dethroned authority with the jealousy of a usurper.

  22. A tyrannical prince could not be resisted if he was orthodox; a just prince could be dethroned if he failed in the more essential condition of faith.

  23. Miloutin's son; by victory at Velbouzd brings whole of Bulgaria under his sway, 5; dethroned by Doushan, 5 Stevan Tomashevitch.

  24. Dethrones his brother Vladislav, 4; dethroned by his son Dragoutin, 4 Ourvinian Mountain.

  25. At once they voted him a reinforcement of two thousand hoplites and five hundred cavalry, and willingly granted the dethroned king a safe residence in their city.

  26. The dethroned king was flying eastward to Bactria.

  27. They held that a sovereign who grossly abused his power might lawfully be withstood and dethroned by his people.

  28. In 1701 died James II, the dethroned King of England, and Louis went out of his way to insult the English people.

  29. To the loyal Catholics of France the English, who had driven out a Catholic king and dethroned an ancient line, were guilty of the double sin of heresy and of treason.

  30. Aulus Gabinius, the proconsul, restored Ptolemy to his kingdom of Egypt, and dethroned Archelaus, whom the people had elected king.

  31. He dethroned Abrupolis, your ally and friend.

  32. Ptolemy, king of Egypt, being dethroned by his younger brother, was restored by ambassadors sent from Rome.

  33. Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, was dethroned by her brother Ptolemy.

  34. No, never had dethroned monarch yielded to a stranger idea, compromised himself in a more tragical venture, the result of which fell upon him like divine punishment.

  35. Many years--I was Sultan of Bello for a long period, until dethroned by an act of the grossest injustice; but I intend to expose the traitorous conspirators to the indignation of an outraged world.

  36. Henry IV died, dethroned by an unnatural son whom the hatred of a relentless pontiff had raised in rebellion against him.

  37. In French history Napoleon appears as the restorer of peace, the rebuilder of the shattered edifice of social order: the author of a code and an administrative system which the Bourbons who dethroned him were glad to preserve.

  38. Wheeler had reason to expect his force to mutiny, and appealed to Nana Sahib, a neighbouring prince representing the dethroned Mahratta Peishwah of Poonah, to help him.

  39. The dethroned King of Oude was living near Calcutta.

  40. John of Brienne, the dethroned King of Jerusalem, who was afterwards Emperor of the East, had a daughter named Yolande, whom Frederick married.

  41. The revolution of 1830, which dethroned the Bourbons, first launched Louis Napoleon on his eventful career.

  42. You see," said Candide to Martin on the way, "we supped with six dethroned kings, and of those six there was one to whom I gave charity.

  43. I was once Emperor of all the Russias, but was dethroned in my cradle.

  44. I have been confined in prison; I am going to Rome, to pay a visit to the King, my father, who was dethroned as well as myself and my grandfather, and I am come to spend the Carnival at Venice.

  45. I dethroned my brother; my nephew dethroned me, my viziers were beheaded, and I am condemned to end my days in the old Seraglio.

  46. Cunegonde and the old woman serve the prince I now mentioned to you, and I am slave to the dethroned Sultan.

  47. It has never before been seen or heard that six dethroned kings have supped together at a public inn.

  48. Sargon seems to have dethroned Shalmaneser about this time, and to have completed the conquest of Israel, of which he boasted on the tablets of a great palace near Nineveh, which has been lately brought to light.

  49. The Spanish Chancellor had said publicly that if the cause was proceeded with there would be war, and "the King would be dethroned by his own subjects.

  50. They reminded him of Warwick, who dethroned the King's grandfather, and Henry VII.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dethroned" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.