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Example sentences for "desperat"

Lexicographically close words:
despatches; despatching; despayre; desperado; desperadoes; desperate; desperately; desperateness; desperation; despicable
  1. And besydes, he were but a desperat theife that would presume because the prince had graunted one pardon.

  2. Yf men take not tyme while grace is offered, but delay till the sunne of grace be gonne downe, there remaines nothing but horrible desperat reprobacion.

  3. Rodorick, thou seest, all wayes are stopt to flie; Be desperat then, fight bravely, and so die.

  4. These wordes and sutch like, this sedicious and desperat man declared: Whose talke Tarquinius interuented, and vpon his comming euery man conuerted him selfe to salute him.

  5. For they that made greatest assuraunce of her fidelitie, were in dispayre, and the most desperat were yet in some hope to winne her.

  6. We stayed nott till that we came to Striveling, whiche we did the day efter that we departed from Edinburgh; for it was concluded, that thair consultatioun should be tacken, what was the nixt remeady in so desperat a mater.

  7. In this meantyme, in his great extremitie, cumes the Cardinall, (ane apt confortare for a desperat man.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "desperat" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    desperate attempt; desperate chance; desperate effort; desperate fight; desperate resistance; desperate struggle