To a man of my sentiments, however, the subject is deplorably sordid.
Your tone is deplorably imprudent, sir--moderate it on the spot!
If she proposed to remove the children, there would be extra inducement to interfere, considering the uncomfortable prominence given to all three by that deplorably ill-advised testament.
You are sodeplorably slow and undecided that I must choose for you.
He had just tipped over a hive and was about to fill up with luscious white sage honey when that deplorably sensational newspaper fluttered under his eye and the scandalous fabrication of Jerky stared him in the face.
Such supervision, of course, demands more teachers, teachers of an ability hitherto deplorably rare, and thoroughly trained in their subjects, with a sympathetic knowledge of the human mind.
It is true that my witnesses were quite willing to depose that his actions were queer and out of the common, but these witnesses were for the most part venerable farmers and backwoodsmen: expert testimony was deplorably lacking.
We American women are so deplorably lacking in this kind of experience.
Though we should be always in action, we should always shrink from view; and yet you could find no better plan than to draw universal attention to us by proceedings at once open and deplorably notorious.
In this way the necessity arose for much river legislation, together with much enterprise in respect to river improvement, in the days when the only alternatives to river transport were the deplorably defective roads.
The worst charge against the party of Chaumette is that they were intolerant, and the charge is deplorably true; but this charge cannot lie in the mouth of persecuting churches.
For more than a thousand years now they have desolated the Church, and to this hour most deplorably persecute it.
They of the wilderness were worthy people and began well, doing great deeds, yet they fell deplorably and were destroyed.
The construction of the last line is deplorably faulty.
No one, with his knowledge of philosophical divinity, could possibly have magnified Pope in good faith for the qualities in which he was deplorably deficient.
The population of these fine valleys is deplorably thin and poor; there was a general sickliness in the looks of the women and children, which may be imputed to their miserable diet and inactive life.
The cattle are most deplorably neglected, and there is not upon the whole premises a horse fit for the meanest beggar to ride.
The situation is cold and salubrious, the vicinity well-watered, and abounding in fine tracts of arable and pasture land, but deplorably neglected.
In this essential department the Paulistas are deplorably deficient; rarely indeed is there to be seen a farm with one convenience belonging to it.
They are scarcely in fault, but those who ought to teach them, counsel them, employ them, until they shall be qualified to employ themselves, are deplorably culpable.
I do not see how even Clerical bigotry, formidable as it deplorably is, can long resist this consideration among a people so thrifty and saving, as are in the main the wielders of political power in this country.
It is not indeed the same platform as was used by Cicero and the orators of the republic: this stood elsewhere, and doubtless the substance of public speaking had declined deplorably since that day.
We were deplorablyshort of heavy howitzers, and we were already feeling the lack of artillery ammunition of all sorts.
It will perhaps be urged that we were deplorably badly-off for machine-guns, and so in a sense we were.
Soldiers are deplorably apathetic in this respect.
Now there's a fact for you--and it's a fact which the producers of Number-ones are deplorably prone to forget.
One announced one's self as an adventurer and an office-seeker, a person of deplorably bad judgment, and the charges were true.
Unfortunately their fanaticism in other directions was of the deplorably iconoclastic sort.
I said adios to the Capitan, who assured me his frame was deplorably jolted, and that he felt unable to proceed.
For Cibo has many kinsmen at court who still resent the circumstance that the matching of his wits against Eglamore's earned for Cibo a deplorably public demise.