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Example sentences for "departit"

Lexicographically close words:
departed; departen; departeth; departid; departing; department; departmental; departments; departs; departure
  1. How Gudis suld be departit in the weris, that ar wonnyn in tyme of the weris.

  2. The Douglas syne all his menyhe Gert in seir placis departit be; 432 For men suld les wit quhar thai war, That yheid departit here and thar.

  3. The King gert be departit then All haill the reif amang his men; And duelt all still thair dais thre.

  4. Bot Schir Amer, that wes wis, Departit thame with mekill pane, And went till Ingland hame agane.

  5. His men departit he in twa; 40 And to the gud lorde of Douglas, Quham in all wit and worschip was, He taucht the archaris evirilkane.

  6. Had thou sic wyll thy selvyn to submyt To fervent bargan, and to dedis byt, Quhen thou departit of this sted fra me, 5 Forto return with sik pompe as we se?

  7. With thir answeris departit the said Ambassadour.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "departit" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.