Delegations of colored groups have visited me and asked why I don't arrest a police officer for hitting some Negro whom he is arresting in a sit-in strike, lay-in strike or demonstration in some southern cities.
I have been escorting delegations from Yugoslavia both around the United States and in Washington.
I have been working with French delegations here in the State Department.
Every day the Assembly was invaded by rowdy and imperious delegations which operated by means of threats and demands.
If the Assembly resisted, they sent their armed delegations thither-- that is, armed bands recruited from the scum of the populace.
Armed delegations even succeeded in forcing the Convention to vote the re-establishment of the Commune and the convocation of a new Assembly, a measure which the Convention hastened to annul the moment the insurgents had withdrawn.
The House Committee subsequently reported it favorably, and could not be persuaded by the delegations from California and Nevada to adopt the Senate bill as a substitute.
Bahá’í delegations to international events commonly include members appointed by various National Spiritual Assemblies who are experienced in the subject matters under discussion and who can provide regional perspectives.
The sixteen States, expressing themselves through their House delegations and owning each one vote, are now to pick the world a president.
Later, according to custom, both Senate and House send delegations to wait upon Washington, and read solemn addresses to him.
The delegations of Maryland and Vermont, being evenly divided between yourself and Jefferson, will have no voice.
These conventions admitted delegations from anti-democratic States--States which could not give a democratic vote in the election, and yet could control the nomination.
Consequently he again met the border State delegations on July 12, and made a second appeal to them to accept compensation for the emancipation of the slaves in their respective States while the opportunity was yet at hand.
At this juncture Lincoln was urged by both individuals and delegations to follow one or the other decision relative to emancipation, but his attitude remained the same.
In short, save the delegation of Labour, where they did work, the fundamental delegations were unequal to their task.
Two delegations required only good-will--those of the victualling department and of the public or municipal services.
Now we come to thedelegations of vital importance.
We intend to feed the first three or four delegations without doing any work on the dishes.
The chair then selected a new committee to examine the two delegations from Dead Man's canon, and instructed it to report adversely on the drunkest one.
Delegations of their leading men frequently appeared in the tent of Napoleon, and their prayers were fervently ascending for the success of the French arms.
Napoleon had received delegations from the Christian tribes entreating him to come for their deliverance from the most intolerable oppression, and assuring him of their readiness to join his standard.
President Lincoln often avoided interviews withdelegations representing various States, especially when he knew the objects of their errands, and was aware he could not grant their requests.
Lincoln was constantly bothered by members of delegations of "goody-goodies," who knew all about running the War, but had no inside information as to what was going on.
A constant stream of visiting delegations of supporters from all points of the compass came to hear him speak from his front porch.
Some of the delegations came spontaneously; the visits of others were prearranged; but in all cases the speeches delivered were looked over beforehand with great care.
The Supreme, the Provincial and the popular Councils, the sections and the delegations ruled this horrible association.
Their mission was the propagation of the La Solidaridad and the gathering of funds for the sustainment of the paper, and of the delegations in the Peninsula and elsewhere, with which they sustained active political correspondence.
It created delegations throughout the archipelago, and by their means introduced the La Solidaridad and all kinds of revolutionary printed matter into the utmost corners of the archipelago.
The delegations from New York and Ohio absorbed the interest of the politicians and the public.
The delegations from the respective States named their own members of the several committees, and their composition and votes upon these questions indicated the division of the States upon the main issue.
As the thirty-sixth ballot opened, the delegations which had been voting for Blaine and Sherman changed to Garfield.
The two delegations were playing at cross-purposes--each trying to defeat the designs of the other, and each finding its most available candidate in the State of the other.
The old cry of "the Church in danger" was raised, delegations proceeded to London, and every agency of influence was brought to bear on the King and the English cabinet.
The Austro-Hungarian Delegationsare another exception to the rule.
These Delegations undoubtedly control the ministry of the Empire, or at all events do in practice displace it by their votes.
Jefferson received the vote of eight States, but not the majority which was needed to elect, inasmuch as the delegations of two States were evenly divided.
This disparity in numbers had a direct political significance, for the national House of Representatives was beyond all question controlled by the delegationsfrom the free States.
The President was continually receiving letters, resolutions, and even delegations demanding the removal of his Postmaster-General, and Mr. Blair did not improve the situation by his own conduct.
The President could not permit the Congressional delegations from the border States to return to their constituents without one more admonition and one more appeal to their patriotism and their sense of justice and wisdom.
As fast as conventions were held delegations were instructed for Lincoln.
And when the delegations accordingly came to Mentor to find the position of the third candidate, he said to each, with unction, "You will find my friend sound on the goose question.
And so through the morning, delegations kept dropping in to David's headquarters to keep up the spirits of the candidate and incidentally to have their own raised.
In the midst of all the hilarity the delegations and the bands began to arrive outside.
He shows his prospective candidate letters pledging the support of a majority of the State delegations to the man whom he should designate.
Ten, twenty of the delegations are now swarming about the standard of Pennsylvania.
The delegations who have rallied to his support now number forty; they are moving toward the platform.
Then you do not credit the statement that the Eastern delegations have become disaffected?
Do you think the Eastern delegations are strong enough to dominate this convention?
Last night I was assured by O'Connor, the local leader, that you were sure of the support of the delegations of Pennsylvania and New York.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "delegations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.