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Example sentences for "delated"

Lexicographically close words:
dela; delaie; delaine; delante; delate; delation; delay; delayed; delayeth; delaying
  1. So the three Samesbury witches got off with a stern exhortation from the judge, who scarcely seemed to relish the release of even Protestant witches delated by papistical accusers.

  2. In 1649 Lady Pittathrow was delated of witchcraft.

  3. But not until he had delated several others of hitherto good repute, so that for the next few months the witch-finder's hands were full.

  4. For these he has been denounced to bishops as a heretic and delated to the Pope himself, while all the time, in truth, he has never read two pages of Luther’s writings.

  5. Now, he hears, that this letter has been delated to the Pope in order to prejudice him in the Pontiff’s eyes; but he is quite prepared to defend its form and expression.

  6. The minister demandit the elders if they knew of any suspect of witchcraft, and shew them that they were to search diligentlie such as are delated be the witches at Prestonkirk parish, when the searchers cam.

  7. Adam Wallace, alias Feane, thou art openly delated and accused for preaching, saying, and teaching of the blasphemies and abominable heresies vnderwritten.

  8. What he says about Thomas Brown is also false, he was accused by the lad, and delated by three confessing witches, as being accessory to the attempt on M'Grigor.

  9. The resolution of these contrary opinions, was by a common consent delated certaine dayes, in the which they prayed vnto God to put into their hearts that which was best for His deuine seruice.

  10. If two or three had proven any point that by their law was holden heresy, the delated person was a heretic.

  11. As to Janet M'Robert in Milnburn, it is delated by Elizabeth Lauchlon, lawfull daughter to John Lauchlon yr.

  12. It is further delated by Howell, that being one day in John Robertson's in the Milnburn, he desired to buy two hens.

  13. Janet M'Robert in Milnburn is delated to the Session for Witchcraft, the signs and instances qrof (whereof) are afterwards recorded.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "delated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.