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Example sentences for "defrauded"

Lexicographically close words:
deformities; deformity; deforms; defouled; defraud; defraudeth; defrauding; defrauds; defray; defrayed
  1. There were voices crying in the wilderness against a worship that had poisoned into idolatry, but they were unheard.

  2. It was the knowledge of this that made me feel that I had wronged him--that I had defrauded him of the soul of love and given him only the poor flesh.

  3. With the feeling that he was asked out for a beating, Carraway turned for a farewell with Mrs. Blake, but the imperious old lady was not to be so lightly defrauded of a listener.

  4. The ground and rules of Religion allow not any such thing: Receive us, says the Apostle, we have wronged no man, we have corrupted no man, we have defrauded no man.

  5. A stranger called on me, and told me, that, many years ago, he had defrauded two gentlemen of a small sum, and that he wished to restore the same with interest.

  6. It may be that this fact will be read by some who have, like this stranger, before their conversion, defrauded certain individuals.

  7. Just love and be happy for a time, and things will settle themselves somehow," cried Dolly, whose womanly nature would not be so soon defrauded of the sweet romance which comes but once in a lifetime.

  8. Let me but reveal the fact that Mr. Dinsmore wished to secure everything to his daughter, and how you defrauded her, and you would find that the law would not deal very generously with you.

  9. By none else were I defrauded Thus of well-earned solace.

  10. Defrauded is a pretty strong word, Jennie," said I.

  11. I do want to think kindly of every body," said Jennie; "but it makes me indignant to see a minister defrauded of his dues.

  12. But when lost man only suffers the penalty, but does not obey the precept, the law is defrauded of a part of its dues.

  13. If he hadn't seen me, perhaps he might have married her," she thought, and the remote possibility of such bliss for poor defrauded Abby filled her with an incredible tenderness.

  14. Happiness appeared to him as a condition which he had achieved by a few words, by a kiss, in a minute of time, but which belonged to him so entirely now that he could never be defrauded of it again in the future.

  15. It was with a sense of having been defrauded in some measure, therefore, that he found himself retained at the fort, simply because his own company happened to be kept back on guard.

  16. They had been defrauded of their prospect of this second entertainment, and they were not well pleased.

  17. But the struggle is to come when the evil spirit finds itself defrauded of its portion, and then attempts to destroy the influence of the good.

  18. Parson Dale and Squire Hazeldean parted company; the latter to inspect his sheep, the former to visit some of his parishioners, including Lenny Fairfield, whom the donkey had defrauded of his apple.

  19. There was a moment's pause of consternation among the guests and a suppressed scream from the defrauded Mother Dexter.

  20. Am I to be defrauded of a good-night, Miss Vernor, simply because it is not my good-by?

  21. His father intended making a few remarks over him, as a sort of substitute for his defrauded speech to the non-existing tenantry.

  22. Here, however, the instincts of the defrauded heart of the bereaved and sorrowing mother were called into instant and energetic life.

  23. Truth, sir, is our object, and justice, and the restoration of the defrauded orphan's rights.

  24. The curtain of this dark drama is beginning to rise; truth will, ere long, be vindicated, justice rendered to the defrauded orphan, and guilt punished.

  25. Durbar say that I have ever wronged him, or defrauded him of a fraction?

  26. Each duffadar bore away the share of his duffa, and they knew too well the risk they would run if they defrauded any man of his just due.

  27. Lamb has drawn a picture of two priests disputing as to which should offer up a blessing, with a final compromise that neither should do so; and the disappointment of the defrauded God.

  28. But on the whole we felt that we had been defrauded in other respects.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "defrauded" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.