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Example sentences for "darweesh"

Lexicographically close words:
darting; darts; darum; darwan; darwaza; das; dash; dashboard; dashed; dasher
  1. I said laughing, 'How dost thou, a darweesh among Muslims, talk thus of a Nazarene priest?

  2. My sailors groaned and Omar shuddered as the snakes put out their tongues--the darweesh and I smiled at each other like Roman augurs.

  3. At Koom Ombo we met a Rifaee darweesh with his basket of tame snakes.

  4. Is any one bigot enough to deny that Stanley has done more for real religion in the mind of that Muslim darweesh than if he had baptised a hundred savages out of one fanatical faith into another?

  5. The darweesh some say is killed, others that he is gone off into the desert with a body of bedaween and a few of the fellaheen from the three ravaged villages.

  6. He tells me the darweesh Achmet et-Tayib is not dead, he believes that he is a mad fanatic and a communist.

  7. The darweesh and his followers could not pounce on us as we are eight good miles from the desert, i.

  8. Dearest Janet, I hope you have not had visions of me plundered and massacred by the crazy darweesh who has caused the destruction of Gau and three other villages.

  9. The truth now appears to be that a crazy darweesh has made a disturbance--but I will tell it as I heard it.

  10. The darweesh went creeping about as before, presently called out some more words, and struck at the wall.

  11. When the darweesh had attacked the serpent she had felt herself attacked, and the killing of it had seemed to her an outrage committed upon herself.

  12. The darweesh always stood before her, but the expression in his eyes had changed, was no longer hypnotic and terrible, but rather deeply observant.

  13. Then, with a fierce movement that seemed expressive of a jealousy which could no longer be contained, the darweesh seized the snake about two inches below its head, and tore it away from Mrs. Armine.

  14. My sailors groaned, and Omar shuddered as the snakes put out their tongues; the darweesh and I smiled at each other like Roman augurs.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "darweesh" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.