But as such as walke in darkenesse doo often straie, bicause they wot not whither they go: euen so doo these men, whilest they seeke to extenuate the certeintie of our histories, and bring vs altogither to uncerteinties & their coniectures.
The silent houres steale on, And flakie darkenesse breakes within the East.
My Lady and my loue is +cruelly+ pend 2 In dolefull darkenesse from the vew of day, Whilest deadly torments do her chast brest rend, 4 And the sharpe steele doth riue her hart in tway, All for she Scudamore will not denay.
For in the wide wombe of the world there lyes, In hatefull darkenesse and in deepe horrore, 8 An huge eternall Chaos, which supplyes The substances of natures fruitfull progenyes.
Ah Ladie (said he) shame were to reuoke 8 The forward footing for an hidden shade: Vertue giues her selfe light, through darkenesse for to wade.
What seruice may I do vnto thee meete, That hast from darkenesse me returnd to light, 8 And with thy heauenly salues and med'cines sweete, Hast drest my sinfull wounds?
Thereat they greatly were dismayd, ne wist 2 How to direct their way in darkenesse wide, But feard to wander in that wastfull mist, 4 For tombling into mischiefe vnespide.
In the moneth of August, the Sunne was so deepely eclipsed, that by reason of the darkenesse of the ayre, many starres did plainely appeare.
In drery darkenesse and in chereles night, Without or hope or comfort endles are: So are my thoughts deiected with dismay, 2420 Which can nought looke for but poore Romes decay.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "darkenesse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.