But most people know that ammonia in some form is good for faintness of this sort, even if they don't know anything about cyanides and - " "Then it was cyanide?
The salts of hydrocyanic acid are called cyanides, the cyanides of sodium and potassium being the best known.
The mixture of cyanides so resulting serves most of the purposes of the pure salt.
I have no doubt that with such retorts the production ofcyanides by this process can be carried out without great difficulty.
Processes in which cyanides are first formed and the ammonia obtained from these by the action of steam.
We found that the formation of cyanidesrequired a temperature of at least 1,200° C.
One of a complex series of double cyanides of ferric iron and some other base.
One of a series of complex double cyanides of ferrous iron and some other base.
The process is inapplicable to the detection of chlorides or hydrochloric acid if cyanides are present, and it is more adapted for traces of hydrochloric acid than for the quantities likely to be met with in a toxicological inquiry.
How long after Death can Hydric or Potassic Cyanides be Detected?
Poisoning by the cyanides (prussic acid or cyanide of potassium) occupies the third place among poisons in order of frequency in this country, and accounts for about 40 deaths annually.
Some of these, ferrocyanide and ferricyanide of potassium for example, have such characteristic properties that the fact that they are cyanides may be overlooked.
The cyanides of the heavier metals combine with the alkaline cyanidesto form double cyanides.
The cyanides ought perhaps to be considered along with chlorides, bromides and iodides in Chapter XV.
The other cyanides are rare, and their physiological action is unrecorded.
As to the question about the salts of prussic acid, it may be generally said that all poisonous cyanides would smell in the stomach, except, perhaps, mercuric cyanide.
This is due to the great inclination which the cyanides exhibit of forming double salts.
The property of potassium cyanide of giving double salts with other cyanides is very clearly shown by the fact that many metals dissolve in a solution of potassium cyanide, with the evolution of hydrogen.
But the proportion will depend very much upon the manipulations; which, if skilfully conducted, will produce more of the cyanides of iron, and require more copperas to neutralize them.
Defn: One of a complex series of double cyanides of ferric iron and some other base.
Defn: One of a series of complex doublecyanides of ferrous iron and some other base.
Any one of a series of cyanogen compounds; particularly, one of those cyanides of alcohol radicals which, by boiling with acids or alkalies, produce a carboxyl acid, with the elimination of the nitrogen as ammonia.
Some cyanides are, however, not thus decomposed, as the dry cyanides of the earths and alkalies.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cyanides" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.