A coloured servant would have opened the parlour, ushered us in, and with smiles and curtsies requested us to be seated.
Saying this, Anneke made her curtsies in a way to preclude any offer of seeing her home, and went her way with her silent but sensible-looking and pretty friend.
Doortje made many curtsies as soon as she saw the cocked-hat and black cloak of the Dominie, begging his pardon and asking his pleasure.
As she passed through the churchyard Betty knew that eyes followed her affectionately, and that the touching of foreheads and dropping of curtsies expressed a special sympathy.
And the youngest of them all Stepped before me quick and pert, And four times she curtsied low As she sang in silver tones: "Curtsies two I give the King, Should I meet him.
And the Queen, Should I meet her, then I give Curtsies three unto the Queen.
But should I the devil meet With his fiery eyes and horns, I will make him curtsies four-- Girofflino!
And every day, at noon, the slaves drew to all the shutters save those of the master's room, and the minister's wife and ward made their curtsies and went home.
Down went the town-bred lady until the skirt of her blue-green gown lay in folds upon the buttercups; down went the ladies opposite in curtsies as profound, if less exquisitely graceful.
As Sir Christopher opened the door, a jet of brighter light fell on a woman in a widow's dress, who stood in the middle of the room, and made the deepest of curtsies as he entered.
I had to rise, and bow, and make long, sweeping curtsies till my back ached, and my poor mouth felt dry with trying to look unconscious when so many of 'em told me I was a household word in their families.
So I thanke thee, waite on me home, Ile make sport with thee: Let thy curtsies alone, they are scuruy ones King.
Thus honest Fooles lay out their wealth onCurtsies Tim.
She sets her books on the table andcurtsies to them.
Jocasta acknowledged this salute with one of those smiles and curtsies of which that lady hath the secret.
She curtsies with a languishing air, as if to say, 'You are come at last.
She made us one of her grand curtsies smiling, and called us "the young people.
And then, when she talks to you, she smiles and curtsiesjust like a fine city young lady!
During the curtsies and the salutations, Robineau went to a corner of the salon to rub his temples with cologne; then he returned with a somewhat less timid air to his wife, who was attentive to everybody but her husband.
I am immensely proud that my fancy has the approbation of so sound an understanding, and so polished a taste as that of the all-accomplished [Curtsies very low.
It was left to me to present you to our relations at the head of the room, but I failed to do so, my mind being too full of the pretty curtsies of Miss.
Then amid grins and chuckles and bobbing of curtsies he drove away, leaving ecstasy and nudging elbows and little jumps of joy behind.
An old lady in a black dress and a cap, who curtsies up and down, and expresses herself ever so well.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "curtsies" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.