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Example sentences for "curable"

Lexicographically close words:
cuprous; cups; cur; cura; curability; curaca; curacas; curacies; curacy; curae
  1. Keep your hearts as true and close to God as possible, and make sure of his love, that you may know you have not an unregenerate, miserable soul to mourn for, and then all other grief is the more curable and more tolerable.

  2. In the same way I might argue for my favorite theory that hay fever is a neurosis, an angioneurotic oedema, because it is curable by electricity; or that electricity cures hay fever because it is a neurosis.

  3. So, I concluded long ago that there must be two kinds of hay fever, one kind curable by diet, bathing and exercise and another kind in which habits of living and eating made no difference; and I had seen mostly the other kind.

  4. An additional reason for regarding all these varieties as superficially differing forms of the same disease is the fact that all of them are curable by the same methods.

  5. Are conditions of the system present which may interfere with the specific treatment by quinia, and which are not, in themselves, curable by it?

  6. Pruritus, sometimes of a very intense character, accompanies the jaundice, in most cases appears with it, and in the supposed curable cases it has persisted after the cessation of the discoloration.

  7. By most writers on dropsy, anasarca has been maintained to originate, in all instances, in debility, and to be curable only by a tonic and invigorating plan.

  8. For there are two classes of souls who undergo punishment--the curable and the incurable.

  9. The curable are those who are benefited by their punishment; the incurable are such as Archelaus, who benefit others by becoming a warning to them.

  10. Tuberculosis, for example, is not a highly contagious or rapid disease; it is absolutely preventable by measures now understood, and almost always curable in its earliest stages.

  11. It is quite conceivable that within the near future the venereal diseases will be rendered entirely curable by the progress of medicine.

  12. Many neurotics, neurasthenics, and hysterics are curable if they will seriously undertake to fulfil the laws of physical and mental health--simple laws, but ones which demand a strengthened will to carry out.

  13. The disease called Polypus, affecting the mouth or nostril with growths which are usually removed by force, is one of those troubles curable by proper use of vinegar or weak acetic acid.

  14. Show the patient in the first place that there is no need for anxiety, the vast majority of such cases being easily curable by right treatment.

  15. Agues are of two sorts, curable and incurable; the curable are those that come in a common way of Providence, the incurable those that are sent more immediately from God in the way of special judgment, as instances adduced from Scripture show.

  16. Yet lunacy is not curable by force, by jails, dungeons, and cages; only by the medicine of wise men and good men.

  17. We shall find curable cases and incurable.

  18. Let it be well understood that chlorosis, though often obstinate and obscure, is always curable if properly and promptly treated.

  19. It is often asked what fevers are curable by the Hydropathic processes.

  20. Munde doubted if purely nervous Tic-doloureux was curable by any process; but speaks more positively as to that which arises from acrimonious humour.

  21. Vanderheyden of Ghent wrote a work in which he declared all fevers curable by cold water.

  22. Where parties are otherwise in tolerable health, this complaint is always curable in about eight or nine months.

  23. Mr. Priessnitz thinks that in the great majority of cases consumption is curable until the age of fourteen or fifteen, when the complaint generally assumes a more serious aspect.

  24. This is the reason of the fellow's selecting the peculiar class of diseases as curable by his great discovery.

  25. Having a falling out with the latter, Mesmer resorted to the arts of his great predecessor, Greatrakes, but professed to cure, without the help of God or man, all curable diseases.

  26. Another patient, affected with curable acute mania, was so erotic during her attacks that she made advances toward all the doctors who visited her.

  27. It is only in cases where it is certain that the perversion is purely acquired and easily curable that marriage can be allowed, or the procreation of children.

  28. It is the lower eye that is usually affected, and is curable by operation only.

  29. Short-coated dogs are more readily curable than heavily-coated varieties.

  30. The treatment for suppuration of the bladder, when limited to the surface of the mucous membrane, is always curable with intelligently-directed treatment, which is the same as that for chronic catarrh of the bladder, to be detailed further on.

  31. What a splendid field for a medical missionary loving his profession this plain with its 650 villages would be, where there are curable diseases by the hundred!

  32. They have no idea of the difference between curable and incurable maladies.

  33. As a matter of fact, he is a sick man; sick of a curable disease and his cure may restore him to useful citizenship and remove him from the county expense.

  34. But it is public economy to diagnose and treat the great mass of incipient and curable cases of mental disorder, since these, if uncared for, mean the wrecking of lives, the breaking up of families, and material loss to the community.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "curable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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