And these reflex or physiopathic disorders have a different order of curabilityfrom that of hysterical or psychopathic disorders.
More recent personal communications indicate that there is still room for some question as to thecurability by suggestion of such disorders as tic, tremor, vasomotor imbalance, and the like.
Without, we trust, being considered egotistical, we can say that this opinion is based upon a large experience and a perfect familiarity with the nature and curability of the disease.
Its curability is established beyond the shadow of a doubt.
This delay, as we have sufficiently proved, operates most seriously by diminishing the curability of insanity, and thereby favours the accumulation of chronic lunatics.
These questions press for solution in connexion with the subject of the accumulation of lunatics and the means to be adopted for its arrest, or, what is equivalent to this, for promoting the curability of the insane.
Those, however, which we now desire to investigate, are such as directly affect the curability of insanity, either by depriving its victims of early and efficient treatment, or by lessening the efficiency and usefulness of the public asylums.
There is a wide diversity of opinion among the best authorities concerning the curability of syphilis.
Simms Woodhead, of Cambridge, England, insist on the absolute curability of tuberculosis when it is taken in time.
In organic disease of the pancreas, intestine, liver, or heart the result will depend upon the nature and curability of the lesion.
His opinions as to thecurability or otherwise of these movements are sufficiently dogmatic: "Convulsive tic is not a serious condition, yet it is in a majority of cases incurable and as a consequence most distressing.
The curability of tic was denied by Oddo, but he has recently seen fit to change his opinion, and to confine his pessimistic views to Gilles de la Tourette's disease.
In no case, will I undertake to pass on the curability of the stammerer without a diagnosis first being made.
In cancer of the cervix operability does not mean curability always.
Just as the usual statements in regard to the extent of venereal disease have been found untrue or greatly exaggerated, so do the statements regarding the curability or rather incurability of venereal disease need careful revision.
This letter proves that my claims and assertions regarding the curability of diphtheria by natural methods are not extravagant or untrue.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "curability" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.