Cumulatively effective usage and the exigencies of a large, varied, shifting and extensive maritime trade have in the course of time brought merchant shipping to something approaching a neutral footing.
This process runs cumulatively during the years of prosperity until finally the markets become congested with goods which cannot be sold at a profit.
Thus the phase of depressions runs cumulatively until at last the progressive reduction of interest has overtaken the fall of prices.
The economic life history of the individual is a cumulative process of adaptation of means to ends that cumulatively change as the process goes on, both the agent and his environment being at any point the outcome of the last process.
Do not these facts tend to show that the changes in fowls' wings are due to fluctuating variability and selective influences rather than to a general law whereby the effects of disuse are cumulatively inherited?
But use-inheritance would cumulatively alter this individual adaptability, and would tend to fix the size of organs by the average amount of ancestral use or disuse rather than by the actual requirements of the individual.
The big game was yet new to him, and the volume of wealth suggested was cumulatively overpowering.
The effort to be severe and commonplace was becoming cumulatively difficult.
Swiftly, cumulatively as with every intense nature impressions reproduce, this one augmented.
Nearer and nearer came the roar as he sat there, irresistible, cumulatively menacing as a force of nature; and instinctively, by it alone, the listener marked the approach of its makers.
At first resignedly complaisant, as the hours drifted by Craig had grown cumulatively impatient at the inevitably dragging inventory.