Of grene vyne leues he wered a Ioly croun ¶ He was clad in clustres of grapes gode & fine ¶ A garlonde of yuy he chose for his sygne.
Given to hir, my wife, to give to Arthur Temple ane English crounwhich belonged to Mr. John Wood.
His firmnesse in religion was evident; for in his banishment he had great invitations and offers of help to restore him to his croun if he would turne Papist, but he always refused it.
We came nixt and saw the honors, wheir we saw the sword and seipter of honor; the croun was not their, by reason the parliament had use for it at Whitehal.
This creddeit was, "That the Kyng wald spend the Croun of France, or that he war not revengeit upoun sick seditious personis.
Be Him that buir the cruell croun of thorne, I cair nocht to be hangit, evin the morne.
And, be the faith I aw the croun off France, ‘I thocht neuyr to charge you with sic chance ‘Bot men off waill, at askyt it for yow.
On Allyrtoun mur the croun he tuk a day, To get battaill, as myn autour will say.
This conditioun Wallace him hecht but mar, 930 Bot a schort tym to bid Robert the king; Gyff he come nocht in this regioun to ryng, At Eduuard suld resaiff the croun but faill.
I am his man, born natiff of Scotland; “To wer the croun I will nocht tak on hand.
Quhen it wes wer, till armes he him kest; 905 Wndir the croun he wes ane off the best: In tyme off pees till courtlynes he yeid; Bot to gentrice he tuk nayne othir heid.
To mak that croun a pund young Jamie gaed to sea, And thecroun and the pund were baith for me.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "croun" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.