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Example sentences for "crore"

Lexicographically close words:
crops; cropt; croquet; croquette; croquettes; crores; cros; crosier; crosiers; cross
  1. India imported several crore yards of foreign yarn which were woven by the mills as well as the weavers.

  2. But the latter weave five crore yards of fine foreign counts, equal to forty crore yards of coarser counts.

  3. For it is written if an Indian wife Die so, her love shall give her husband's soul For every hair upon her head a crore Of years in Swerga.

  4. The Bengal statement shows an estimated surplus owing to the remission of the Provincial contribution to the Central Government and expected receipts from fresh taxation amounting to 1 crore and 40 lakhs.

  5. He states our resources to be only a crore less than when we crossed the Indus.

  6. The property restored by Russia is valued at upwards of a crore of rupees; and the number of merchants and others released, exceeds 600.

  7. Having given away, in course of a single day, one crore of such coins, he thought that he had given away very little.

  8. Chyavana said, 'O king, I do not deserve to be purchased for a crore of coins or even more.

  9. Nahusha said, 'Let my priest give unto these Nishadas a crore of coins.

  10. Taking all these causes of loss together, I do not think we should overestimate the wastage of rupees from the circulation in placing it between half a crore and a crore annually.

  11. CRORE (Hindustani karor), an Anglo-Indian term for a hundred lakhs or ten million.

  12. For what if I asked for a crore of crystal jars, filled to the very brim with amrita, which, never having tasted, I am curious to taste?

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "crore" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.