One recently told me that she had had fourteen croppers in a hunting season; but when I hear such talk, I cannot help thinking that there is something radically wrong with their riding, for our best horsewomen very seldom fall.
Croppers never came to me under their wise guidance, but only when tempted by the keenness and excitement of my over-sanguine youngster, I essayed lepping experiments which were not always successful.
The Croppers never openly defied her, but they did precisely as they pleased.
We worked as share croppers around Buffalo, Texas 'til my ole man he died.
There they worked as share croppers until the death of her husband.
He was obliged to go and look for the heath-croppers that have got into the meads, and I agreed to take his place, as he knew he couldn't come back here again tonight.
Yes, middling--except where the heath-croppers walk into it.
Our two heath-croppers are in the habit of straying into the meads, and tomorrow evening you can go and see if they are gone there.
At this moment one of the heath-croppers feeding in the outer shadows was audibly shaking off the clog attached to its foot.
It was true that although these machines wove the cloth more evenly and smoothly than the hand looms, croppers were still required to give the necessary smoothness of face; still the tendency had been to lower wages.
There are good men of all sorts, and though the croppers may be rough and given to drink, we must not blame them too severely; they are wholly uneducated men, they work hard, and their sole pleasure is in the beer shop.
They say the croppers are drilling on the moors, and it were bad for ye if you fell in with them.
The younger men for the most part worked as croppers in the factories in Marsden.
Of course they looked on us as foreigners, just as we croppers do here on anyone as cooms to Varley.
Some of the croppers were drilling on the moor, and the boy had been placed as sentry.
It beat us altogether, and you never see a lot of croppers so quiet and orderly as we war as we went up to t' village.
As Abijah Wolf had said, the croppers of the West Riding were a rough set.
Renters and croppers may be supplemented by extra work, paid for by them, or charged to them.
Above the croppers come the great mass of the black population who work the land on their own responsibility, paying rent in cotton and supported by the crop-mortgage system.
The croppers are entirely without capital, even in the limited sense of food or money to keep them from seed-time to harvest.
These croppers are the great bulk of the agricultural laborers.
The croppers get half the crop, and the land owner half.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "croppers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.