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Example sentences for "craziness"

Lexicographically close words:
crazed; crazes; crazier; craziest; crazily; crazing; crazy; creak; creaked; creaking
  1. As he closed the window that night and picked up his watch to resume the winding of it, the Elder felt satisfied that there were depths in Tregenza's craziness which needed sounding.

  2. But what foolishness and craziness and sottishness for Ishmael to be in love with Miss Merlin!

  3. Law, woman, who ever said love was anything else but craziness and the rest of it," laughed Gray.

  4. Somehow this realization, along with the recollection of what Tanno had said of the fellow, woke me to a sense of the danger to which I was exposed by being with Capito and also to a sense of the craziness of his ideas and plans.

  5. The whole of that side of life seemed to them a kind of craziness in the human make-up.

  6. Mixed with the craziness of Olympias in Alexander was the sanity of Philip and the teachings of Aristotle.

  7. Before the bishop spoke agin you could see his craziness and his cunningness both working in his face.

  8. They is children all their lives, mebby, till some one minute of craziness may strike one of them, and then he is a devil temporary.

  9. The only thing Nate had against her, outside of the sociology craziness and her not seemin' to take a shine to him, was her confounded pets.

  10. Otherwise he would have been as limp as a rag, but this craziness put life into him, and made him carry his head in the air and walk like a free man.

  11. Then he found his voice, and the weakness and craziness seemed for one moment to leave him.

  12. Friends and teachers whom he respects and believes all tell him that his poor mother is out of her mind, and he himself sees the craziness of the idea, which is not so much as new to him, since it exists in nearly every lunatic asylum.

  13. It's a craziness that sets me chasing down Nature's secrets till I locate 'em right.

  14. You can't explain a thing of the craziness in men's blood when they come up with the Nature they belong to.

  15. Ever since she came here to live, Missy's been up to just one craziness after another.

  16. By your craziness you kill your Vladyka and the Saviour of the world, and thus you become the wilful murderers of your Creator!

  17. I debated whether to inform Gootes of my discovery of her craziness and decided against it on the bare possibility it would be unwise to lower the value of my connection with the Metamorphizer's discoverer.

  18. Bright lawns, insistent on former respectability and trimness; yellow and gray lawns, touched with the craziness of age, quite beyond all interest in looks, content to doze easily in the sun.

  19. TXT]4481 Affected misapprehensions Any excess pushes to craziness Bad laws are best broken Being in heart and mind the brother to the sister with women Bounds of his intelligence closed their four walls Boys, of course--but men, too!

  20. All that Matey and Browny were forbidden to write they looked And not be beaten by an acknowledged defeat Any excess pushes to craziness As well ask (women) how a battle-field concerns them!

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "craziness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aberration; abnormality; absurdity; alienation; buffoonery; dementia; derangement; distraction; eccentricity; fatuity; folie; folly; foolery; foolishness; frivolity; furor; idiocy; imbecility; inanity; ineptitude; insanity; irrationality; lunacy; madness; mania; possession; sickness; strangeness; stupidity; thoughtlessness; triviality; unbalance