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Example sentences for "being acted"

  • When the action of these powers has been suspended for six or eight hours, the excitability is again capable of being acted on, and we rise fresh and vigorous, and fit to engage in our occupations.

  • A passive verb is a verb that represents the subject, or what the nominative expresses, as being acted upon.

  • A neuter verb implies the state a subject is in, without acting upon, or being acted upon, by another.

  • When the action of these powers has been suspended for six or eight hours, the excitability is again capable of being acted on, and we rise fresh, and vigorous, and fit to engage in our occupations.

  • An idea of its mode of existence, whether at rest, or in action, or in being acted upon.

  • Facilitating induction; susceptible of being acted upon by induction; as certain substances have a great inductive capacity.

  • The state of being acted upon; subjection to an external agent or influence; a passive condition; -- opposed to action.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "being acted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    being asked; being attached; being caught; being come; being connected; being dead; being destitute; being discovered; being drawn; being driven; being drunk; being full; being gone; being heard; being just; being miserable; being modified; being near; being rather; being read; being sworn; being told; being unable; offer thee; pray thee; silly little