Orleans attempted to bring about some changes, and gave orders to that effect, but as soon as he was gone, La Feuillade countermanded those orders and had everything his own way.
One side declared that the orders for a general advance had been already given, when the President countermanded them upon the field, and sent orders by General Bonham to withdraw the pursuit.
Then it was repeated, and then it was countermanded over again.
And give the orphans when they come to age their substance; and render them not in exchange bad for good: and devour not their substance, by adding it to your substance; for this is a great sin.
And God sent a raven, which scratched the earth, to show him how he should hide the shame of his brother, and he said, Woe is me!
On the 31st of January I countermanded the orders given to Thomas to move south to Alabama and Georgia.
I thought the advice was good, and, adopting that view, countermanded the orders for pursuit of Longstreet.
I am in a measure confirmed in this conclusion by your recent orders directing me to disobey orders from the Secretary of War, my superior and your subordinate, without having countermanded his authority to issue the orders I am to disobey.
While this authority to the War Department is not countermanded it will be satisfactory evidence to me that any orders issued from the War Department by direction of the President are authorized by the Executive.
Donovan's combination company of two platoons of "G" and "M" who were all set for the smash toward Emtsa and Plesetskaya found their orders suddenly countermanded on December 31st and settled down to the routine winter defensive.
Therefore he countermanded the requisition which he had before sent to Cornwallis for part of the troops under his command.
Nixon was immediately stopped, and the intelligence conveyed to Gates, who countermanded his orders for the assault, and called back his troops, not without sustaining some loss from the British artillery.
Chris countermanded the dog-cart she had ordered and repaired to the library, where Littimer was tying some trout-flies behind a cloud of cigarette smoke.
The soldiers would certainly have shot me down if the officer had not immediately countermanded his order, by saying: "Hold on, boys, he is not worth five charges of ammunition.
After that Rigdon never countermanded the orders of the Prophet, to my knowledge; he knew who was boss.
Somewhat surprised we hastily made the necessary preparations, stood harnessed up half an hour, when the order was countermanded and estimate sent in of horses necessary to move the Battery.
All hands were busy in a moment, but before half the horses were harnessed there came another, and the order was countermanded and all was quiet again.
Our Battery was on the advance in the order of march, but it was countermanded before night.
The caisson drivers being already on the start, after pitching their tents and again striking, we passed up the hill again, on the top of which, countermanded again, unhitched and left the horses at the bottom.
No sooner had he assumed his position as commander-in-chief, than he countermanded Wellesley's order to give pursuit and make good the victory.
Discovering this, great preparations were made to sustain a siege, and it was when they were completed that Sir Henry Clinton countermanded the troops which he had ordered Cornwallis to send him.
This was sufficient: the armament was countermanded and the sailors discharged.
Wise wascountermanded in his march against Williamsburg, by Major-Gen.
But my arrangement was not countermandedby the President, to whom I referred all objectors.
Then he countermanded this order, but not in season.
Polk countermanded this discharge on the ground that Wool had exceeded his authority (=256=Marcy to Wool, Jan.
An order to join the forces about to engage in the battle of Manassas was countermanded on account of a movement of the enemy which resulted in the "affair" at "Bethel Church.
Salome and her husband actually countermanded an order given by Herod for the execution of the imprisoned nobles, and persuaded the officers of the Herodian body-guard that Herod himself had disapproved of an execution on so large a scale.
Finding no response or interest anywhere, he countermanded the festivals as arranged by himself, and the Babylonian Synhedrion came to an end.
In any case, that move was now countermanded in favour of a desperate attack on the eastern assailants.
The truth of this seemed evinced in the case of Mad Jack, during the gale, and especially at that perilous moment when he countermanded the Captain's order at the helm.
His request was granted; but the soldiers, in advancing to the spot, werecountermanded by another officer.
I knew a man who once lost a good customer just because he beefed when a man to whom he had sold a bill of goods countermanded the order.
Although he had turned me down, this man bought my goods and countermanded the order of the other fellow.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "countermanded" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.