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Example sentences for "couldst"

Lexicographically close words:
couldent; couldest; couldna; couldnae; couldnt; couldt; coule; coulee; coulees; couler
  1. If not, couldst grasp the thought that such as He, Clothed in frail, human flesh, a man should be?

  2. Couldst thou not pity, when, to thee Those young lambs sped so trustingly?

  3. Thou thoughtest to have his wife here, and 'tis no fault of thine that thou hadst her not: so, if I had him, thou couldst not justly blame me.

  4. How couldst thou forget our Loves so far as to enter into a second Marriage, and after that into a third, nay to take for thy Husband a Man who has so shamelessly crept into the Bed of his Brother?

  5. Skrymir's thongs Seemed to thee hard, When at the food thou couldst not get, When, in full health, of hunger dying.

  6. Thou couldst never settle A strife 'twixt two; Of thy right hand also I must mention make, Which Fenris from thee took.

  7. Indeed, thy rank with me is such as thou couldst wish[FN#71] and thou shalt never cease to be accepted of me.

  8. But now another passage runs across Before thine eyes, and such that by thyself Thou couldst not thread it ere thou wouldst be weary.

  9. Couldst not thou go over with a purse of silver, and try whether the souls of these captives be recoverable?

  10. Did I not say thou couldst not be ungrateful?

  11. If thou couldst do what thou hadst desired, could this calamity befall us?

  12. Or, if thou couldst choose in thy heart Varuna amongst the Lokapalas, do so unhesitatingly.

  13. If indeed Vami horses had been yoked to thy car, then couldst thou have taken it.

  14. And Falguna, seeing the Saindhava chief so active in his fright, overtook him and addressed him saying, 'Possessed of so little manliness, how couldst thou dare to take away a lady by force?

  15. And beholding his brother, Rama reproved him, saying, 'How couldst thou come hither, leaving the princess of Videha in a forest that is haunted by the Rakshasa?

  16. Before this I have endued thee with celestial vision, in consequence of which thou couldst see me!

  17. Why couldst thou not wait, and open at the very instant when the Prince was standing here?

  18. And 'tis not as if thou couldst keep it secret longer.

  19. I would thou couldst clear him of other charges with which fame hath loaded him.

  20. Ah, if thou couldst but see the fair regions which the great king has apportioned to thy countryman Demaratus.

  21. The very foliage of its forests, pale and sickly, the very moonlight upon these waters, cold and smileless, ah, if thou couldst but see!

  22. Couldst thou not see the pointed finger and hear the muttered taunt--That is Pausanias, whom the Ionians banished from Byzantium.

  23. But now ye may say: Since thou art mighty, why shouldst not thou thyself take our friends out of the hands of these accursed, as thou couldst well do, and we to take no part therein?

  24. Descended, and disjointed it at a blow: To whom the woodman uttered wonderingly 'Lord, thou couldst lay the Devil of these woods If arm of flesh could lay him.

  25. Would God that thou couldst hide me from myself!

  26. Then he quitted them and presenting himself before King Sankharib said, "O my lord, the work is completed even as thou couldst desire; but do thou arise and come with me that I may show thee the marvel.

  27. Nay, couldst thou not As well, my friend, have stretch'd the curse to all The senate round, as to one single villain?

  28. Couldst thou yet be a friend, a generous friend, I might hope comfort from thy noble sorrows.

  29. But, for the place--say, couldst thou learn Nought of the friendly clans of Earn?

  30. If thou couldst content thee with a beast sorry to look at, but like the wind to go, we have a nag would carry thee along, and thou couldst leave the stallion till thy return.

  31. If thou couldst abide the gait of my grandfather's nag, I might go on my pony, and show thee the way.

  32. It's something else--the opposite of matrimony.

  33. Couldst thou hit upon no other punishment for these poor creatures, than clapping beards upon them?

  34. Said he: nor am I bound to keep my vow; The fiend thy sire has sent thee from below, Else how couldst thou my secret sorrows know?

  35. Ganfride, who couldst so well in rhyme complain The death of Richard with an arrow slain, Why had not I thy muse, or thou my heart, To sing this heavy dirge with equal art!

  36. And what the devil couldst thou wish me more?

  37. And couldst not fall but with thy country's fate.

  38. How couldst thou suffer thy devoted knight, On thy own day, to fall by foe oppressed, The wight of all the world who served thee best?

  39. Know then that I have all along deceived thee by my illusions; first in the forest, where I tied up the wallet with iron wire so that thou couldst not untie it.

  40. For even if thou couldst not break the cord we would immediately let thee free again.

  41. Thou art so young, 'tis but a little mantle thou couldst weave this year, at best.

  42. If thou canst not trust His priests, couldst thou not trust Him?

  43. I am thankful thou couldst tell him no more.

  44. Thou couldst not enter into my difficulty unless thou wert of my faith.

  45. Couldst thou do too much, even if they were offered upon the altar before the God of Sabaoth?

  46. As if thou couldst not have said that half an hour ago!

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "couldst" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.