The verses in question are: Corta las aguas con los blancos brazos La ninfa, que con otras ninfas mora Debajo de las aguas cristalinas En aposentos de esmeraldas finas.
The Fiscal of the Supreme Court and a SeƱor Villa Corta were found conspiring.
Greater latitude was allowed to the prisoners, and Villa Corta effected his escape disguised as a woman.
Villa Corta argued that it fell to him as senior magistrate.
Villa Corta was left in charge of business in Bacolor during Anda's temporary absence.
Villa Corta had recourse to the Vicar General for an order to take him out, which being refused on three different applications, a notary and some troops were sent to take him by force.
In his absence the Archbishop being taken ill, the question was agitated who should be Governor in the event of his death, and Senor Villa Corta observed, that he thought it fell to him, as being senior Oidor.
Senor Villa Corta had his supporters, and Senor Ustariz, who had the greatest right, did not want for partizans.
The Vicar General declared Villa Corta excommunicated, and issued handbills to that effect.
Senor Villa Corta presented himself, and demanded the repayment of the three thousand dollars he had paid, to redeem the sentence of death passed on him.
The Archbishop and Villa Corta wrote to Senor Anda, supplicating him to accede to the proposal of the English, in order that that magistrate might be saved from the ignominious death which awaited him.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "corta" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.