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Example sentences for "hurteth"

Lexicographically close words:
hurry; hurrying; hurt; hurte; hurted; hurtful; hurtfull; hurtfulness; hurting; hurtle
  1. It is a kind of men most to be abhorred, which hurteth the body of infantes wyth bewitchyng: and what shal we say of those parentes whiche thorowe their negligence and euyll educacion bewitch the mynd?

  2. Continuaunce hurteth not so it be mesurable, & spiced also wyth varietie and plesaƩtnes.

  3. There hurteth you nothing but your conceyt; Be juge your-self; for so ye shal it fynde.

  4. Nothing hurteth you but your owne conceyte.

  5. He hurteth both his worship and his name That folily for twayne him-self wil trouble; And he also leseth his after-game That surely can not sette his poyntes double.

  6. A weapon that hurteth none, none at all but the devil and sin, and those that love it.

  7. For he that faileth as to the frame of his spirit, hurteth only himself: but he that faileth in doctrine corrupteth them that stand by.

  8. The tempest hurteth him as he is a passenger not as a Pilot.

  9. It hurteth him not as Pilot, but as one that doth saile.

  10. Before face folowynge the way of adulacion, Whiche afterwarde sore hurteth by detraccion.

  11. It hurteth thee not to submit to all men; but it hurteth thee most of all to prefer thyself even to one.

  12. Indeed those that think a lie is no sin when it hurteth not another, may justify this, if that would hold good; but I have before confuted it, part i.

  13. That he doth it not by force and violence, but by deceit, and hurteth no man till he hath procured his own consent to sin; whereas our oppressors do it by their brutish force and power.

  14. But yet that which pleaseth the malignant rabble, and displeaseth or hurteth the generality of godly men, is so seldom pleasing to God, that it is much to be suspected.

  15. There are two sorts of persecutors, the opposer (or dispraiser) and the flatterer: but the tongue of the flatterer hurteth more than the hand of the persecutor.

  16. Then he cares not if men beat you, or rob you, or kill you, for none of this hurteth God.

  17. For it grieveth and hurteth the blood of a beast, if it come into a bleeding wound, and is medlied with the blood.

  18. Nothing so much hurteth this church as a rabble of hirelings and self-seekers: for what can natural men, that scarce have the Spirit, do in the cause of God?

  19. P: He calleth, beside Allah, unto that which hurteth him not nor benefiteth him.

  20. P: They worship beside Allah that which neither hurteth them nor profiteth them, and they say: These are our intercessors with Allah.

  21. He needeth not to be hired and entreated; for if her heart were to send him anywhere, unto such as he knoweth he cannot hurt, nor seeth how to make any show that he hurteth them, he can quickly turn her from that.

  22. It doth hurt him, or it hurteth the witch: one of them, I am sure: for he cometh no more.

  23. Either she can get him come no more, because it hurteth him: or else she will let him come no more, because it hurteth her.

  24. The same that helpeth the enemie, hurteth thee: and the same that helpeth thee, hurteth the enemie.

  25. He that hurteth him, hurteth the apple of God's eye, and injures a brother and member of Christ Himself.

  26. They also hold that disobedience with faith hurteth not; and that, on the other hand, obedience with infidelity profiteth not.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hurteth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.