In this chair, likewise, did those excellent governors preside, while holding consultations with the chief counsellors of the province, who were styled Assistants.
While his father and the visitors were holding deep consultations about public affairs, little Ben would sit on his stool in a corner, listening with the greatest interest, as if he understood every word.
I say that it is time for me to be off; the evening consultations begin at half-past six.
But on the fourth day, just as the evening consultations were beginning and the surgery was filled with waiting patients, Polton appeared with a note, which he insisted, to the indignation of Adolphus, on delivering into my own hands.
I won't ask you to come in now," said Thorndyke, "as we have some consultations this afternoon.
The evening consultations were considered to be over by half-past eight; at which time Adolphus was wont, with exemplary punctuality, to close the outer door of the surgery.
While at this village, the Nez Perce guide had heldconsultations with some of the inhabitants as to the mountain tract the party were about to traverse.
In the course of the day the old chief had several private consultations with the guide, and showed evident signs of being occupied with some mysterious matter of mighty import.
Dolph, therefore, was obliged to turn out of the study whenever suchconsultations occurred, though it is said he learnt more of the secrets of the art at the key-hole, than by all the rest of his studies put together.
They have had half-a-dozen consultations about how the hawk is to be prepared for the morning's sport.
Many were theconsultations that she held with Peter de Groodt, the clerk and sexton, who was her prime counsellor.
The two men had acted together on the King's trial at every step, and their speeches on bringing Louis to trial suggest previous consultations between them.
Or let him read those counsels and consultations of Hugo Senensis, consil.
That famous Helleborisme of Montanus, which he so often repeats in his consultationsand counsels, as 28.
I say those messages, and over a period of some days had daily consultationsabout them with our Deputy Under Secretary for Political Affairs, Mr. U.
She held daily consultations with Mr. Greenwood, and spent most of her hours in embracing, coddling, and spoiling those three unfortunate young noblemen who were being so cruelly injured by their brother and sister.
Even Vivian, who was not given to much outward enthusiasm, had had consultationswith his groom as to which of two he had better ride first.
In the many consultations held between his mother and Mrs. Vincent it had been decided that it would be better to keep him in the dark.
It even came to consultations between Miss Morley and Caroline whether they must not really tell of the boys: but the evil day was always put off till "next time.
Thus I have given some account of these "cool thoughts on the consequences of American independence," which I consider as the result of all the consultations and deliberations of the refugees upon the subject.
This was probably the earliest of a series of consultations preliminary to the constitutional Convention.
One of the most natural consultations of the newly married couple is the plan of their first house.
This notion, carefully considered, not only in these consultations but in the prayers that closed them, impressed them both as a divine suggestion.
After a few preliminary consultations the entire camp surrendered and the captives were released.
After frequent consultations between the leading men of the party and the managers of the two offices, it was arranged that the papers should be consolidated and the name of the paper should be the Minnesotian and Times.
I am tired of hearing consultations about roads and Catholic forces.
After all they must live; and when their consultations are forty francs apiece, why, the more the merrier.
I have threeconsultations to-day, and some urgent cases.
He has not gone to one of those blessed consultations in somebody's chambers, has he?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "consultations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.