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Example sentences for "connotes"

Lexicographically close words:
connotation; connotations; connotative; connote; connoted; connoting; connu; connubial; connubium; connue
  1. In this view concentration connotes not a homogeneous body, but a compound organism controlled from a common centre, and elastic enough to permit it to cover a wide field without sacrificing the mutual support of its parts.

  2. The mere assertion, which no one denies, that the object of naval warfare is to get command of the sea actually connotes the proposition that the command is normally in dispute.

  3. Thus the occupation of our enemy's sea communications and the confiscatory operations it connotes are in a sense primary operations, and not, as on land, secondary.

  4. Hence, any word which denotes such a group of facts connotes the rights attached to it by way of legal consequences, and any word which denotes the rights attached to a group of facts connotes the group of facts in like manner.

  5. As used in some cases it apparently connotes the size of the island, while the use in other cases evidently connotes gigantic inhabitants.

  6. For every name that connotes some effect in creatures, is said of God essentially.

  7. It connotes not an act of apprehension but an act of repugning, of repelling.

  8. We do not measure the worth or reality of the tool by its closeness to its natural prototype, but by its efficiency in doing its work--which connotes a great deal of intervening art.

  9. Christianity" is a term in the mouth and upon the pen of the post-Reformation writer; it connotes an opinion or a theory; a point of view; an idea.

  10. Thus "cricketer" denotes the individuals who play cricket, and connotes the qualities or characteristics by which these individuals are marked.

  11. It may be noted that the original sense of "demon" was a benevolent being; but in English the name now connotes malevolence; in German it has a neutral sense, e.

  12. Father connotes the fact, regarded as constituting an attribute of A: son connotes the same fact, as constituting an attribute of B.

  13. The concrete name connotes an attribute, and the abstract name which answers to it denotes that attribute.

  14. It connotes the general type of the sensations derived always from all men, and the power (always thought of as one) of producing sensations of that type.

  15. Skeat further connotes wraith with the Norwegian word vardyvle, meaning "a guardian or attendant spirit seen to follow or precede one," and he suggests that vardyvle meant ward evil.

  16. Although Skeat connects phaeton with the Solar Charioteer he nevertheless connotes phantom.

  17. With Rutupiae, of which the Rutu may be connoted with the rood within its precincts, Mr. Roach Smith, in his Antiquities of Richborough, connotes the Gaulish people known as the Ruteni.

  18. Latham connotes the Hebrew tribe of Dan, supposing that both these peoples traced their origin to the same culture-hero.

  19. Macalister has recently hooked up from the deep waters of Irish mythology a deity whose name Fal he connotes with a Teutonic Phol.

  20. Such are all propositions concerning things individually designated, and all general or particular propositions in which the predicate connotes any attribute not connoted by the subject.

  21. Worthy of honor” connotes all this, together with our approval of the act of showing honor.

  22. In so doing they fasten down the name to what it connotes in common use at the time when it conveys the smallest quantity of meaning; and introduce the practice of employing it, consistently and uniformly, according to that connotation.

  23. Father connotes the fact, regarded as constituting an attribute of A; son connotes the same fact, as constituting an attribute of B.

  24. Every general name, whether abstract or concrete, denotes or connotes one or more of those resemblances.

  25. Evolution can determine no such end until it be shown that the progress it connotes implies a proportionate increase of pleasure.

  26. The former connotes Will, the latter connotes Love.

  27. The word for man here connotes weakness.

  28. The variation is not merely rhetorical, but the name which connotes power is appropriate in a prayer for deliverance from peril so extreme.

  29. Or, if you deem that that word connotes non-resistance, though to the immense bulk of Pacifists it does not, you would be an anti-Bellicist to use a dreadful word coined by M.

  30. But /as mad as a March hare/ is English, and connotes insanity, not mere anger.

  31. To an Englishman the word connotes sweetness, and so, if he be of the lower orders, he may apply [Pg130] it to his sweetheart.

  32. But the exercise of any activity by an agent undoubtedly connotes or implies a perfection of this agent.

  33. The former connotes a perfection, the latter an imperfection: unumquodque agit inquantum est in actu, patitur vero inquantum, est in potentia.

  34. The word "interminabilis" connotes a positive perfection: the exclusion of beginning and end.

  35. Sometimes a term connotes all the attributes that another does, and more besides, which, as distinguishing it, are called differential.

  36. Make sure that every term he uses has the full value he intends it to carry, connotes all he wishes it to cover, and has the full emotional power and suggestion that it has for himself.

  37. It connotes a restraint of feeling which more impulsive persons may mistake for absence of feeling; a reserve carried almost to the point of coldness; a quiet dignity which to a breezy Westerner seems like "stand-offishness.

  38. God is invoked as "Lord," the sovereign ruler, the name which connotes His elevation and authority.

  39. The psalm significantly uses the word for man which connotes frailty, and in b the expression "sons of man" which suggests birth.

  40. Something very different, we may be sure, from what the term "scenery" connotes to us.

  41. Dramatic criticism" to most of us connotes the newspaper reviewing of the nightly spectacles in our theaters.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "connotes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.