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Example sentences for "confusedly"

Lexicographically close words:
confronted; confronting; confronts; confuse; confused; confusedness; confuses; confusing; confusingly; confusion
  1. The Minister was silent, striving confusedly to take in the situation.

  2. A hurtling mass of men struggled confusedly from their seats.

  3. She was still wondering confusedly why Molly had failed to put in any appearance at Greenacres.

  4. The moon shed a pale, wan light over this unearthly scene, in which creation and annihilation seemed confusedly struggling.

  5. I left the region of Alpine trees to enter that of gray rocks, constantly increasing in size toward the summit, where they were confusedly piled in ragged ridges, one upon another, looming large and threateningly in the distance.

  6. At fifty miles mountains and valleys melted confusedly into each other.

  7. Caleb Jennings tremblingly summoned the house-servant and the landlady, and was still confusedly pondering the broken sentences uttered by the dying man, when Mr. Sowerby hurriedly arrived.

  8. Leander prattled on, the words sounding confusedly in the still room.

  9. He turned about somewhat confusedly to look for his hat, which was lying on the rock.

  10. This passage, which reads somewhat confusedly in our MS.

  11. All the bones present an appearance of having been broken and gnawed by the teeth of the Hyænas, and they occur confusedly mixed in loam or mud, or dispersed through the crust of stalagmite which covered the contents of the cave.

  12. The discussion with Dagobert had been so loud, that the sound of the voices had confusedly reached the ears of the two sisters, even after they had taken refuge in their bedroom.

  13. Confusedly he ran over in his mind the names of the Christian women whom he knew, to whom he could turn in this emergency.

  14. The fires on the banks of the stream were dying down; all that could be seen there was masses of men moving confusedly to and fro; it was not even possible to tell if the movement across the river was still in progress.

  15. The Greeks repulsed, retreat behind their wall, Or in the trench on heaps confusedly fall.

  16. Far in the close recesses of the dome, Pensive she plied the melancholy loom; A growing work employ’d her secret hours, Confusedly gay with intermingled flowers.

  17. This image is very natural; for a man in his condition awakes no farther than to see confusedly what environs him, and to think it not a reality but a dream.

  18. The captain saw confusedly that some shadows were leaping around him, preventing his progress.

  19. Vaguely and confusedly he was troubled by it; feeling as if he had even himself been concerned in something deep and dim.

  20. Such exclamations from the stalls confusedly rose among many others.

  21. A widower for some years, this worthy man lived only for his children, thought only of them, went through life surrounded by those fair little heads that fluttered around him confusedly as in a picture of the Assumption.

  22. Such truth as came to them was brought confusedly in the voices and deeds of men not at all like the seraphs of unfailing wing and piercing vision--men who believed falsities as well as truths, and did the wrong as well as the right.

  23. An uncertain kind of terror pervaded Emily's mind; the circumstances of the past hour still came dimly and confusedly to her memory; and her thoughts were various and rapid, though without tumult.

  24. Dense clouds of smoke, renewed unceasingly, mounted confusedly to the heavens.

  25. This state of things, together with the fear of being attacked by superior forces, or that they would hurl shells into that sepulchre, made us huddle confusedly into the outer court as soon as we found the way.

  26. Spite of himself, he could not keep the fixed lines on his face from breaking confusedly into a faint smile.

  27. He stood panting, like one just roused from some terrible dream, wiping the reeking perspiration from his forehead, and thinking confusedly and wearily what a fool he had been.

  28. In the darkness groping, confusedly straying over the floor, stunned and stupified, they reel like drunken men; as they come in contact tremblingly interrogating one another as to what can have occurred.

  29. As he turned confusedly and hastily away, his eyes encountered mine, and he muttered some unintelligible sentences, during which the widow and her son left the spot.

  30. A tumultuous throng of images swept confusedly past, of which the most constant and frequent were the faces of my wife and youngest child, whom I had kissed in his sleep just previous to leaving home.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "confusedly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.