All theconfinements had been quadruple, triple, or double.
It is a common result of too frequent confinements or of successive abortions.
Duncan of Edinburgh, attends upon confinements when they become too frequent.
They are much more frequently followed by disease of the womb than are confinements at full terms.
The number of confinements in the Emergency has averaged 220 annually.
In a communicating apartment all the confinements took place, and at all times, therefore, the conditions were present for loading the atmosphere with the products of decomposing blood.
My six formerconfinements being very severe, the time of labour varying from twenty to thirty-six hours, followed by violent inflammation, leaving me much exhausted.
The confinements of Margot Asquith like the confinements of royalty are, as the philosophers say, in much the same universe of discourse as a tariff bill or a parliamentary debate.
He investigated 732 successive confinementsat the Clinique Baudelocque in Paris.
I have noticed that women who have lived a very robust and athletic outdoor life, so far from always having the easy confinements which we might anticipate, sometimes have very seriously difficult times, imperilling the life of the child.
I have always had fairly good health during pregnancy, and good times at confinements and getting up.
The middle-class wife from the first moment is within reach of medical advice which can alleviate distressing illness and confinements and often prevent future ill-health or death.
All her children are living; her confinements are normal.
During pregnancy I was fairly well in health, but during my confinements I was very ill.
My confinements have been splendid ones, but for all that I feel it is almost, if not quite, three months before a mother feels her strength the same as before.
I often wonder how some poor women do that have such very fast confinements every twelve months and no care at all bestowed on them.
Being a little, light-made woman, my confinementswere very severe.
At my confinements the greatest trouble was the flooding after the baby was born, and the afterbirth grown to my side.
My second and third confinements were very bad, but I was able to get about at the end of the month.
Out of all these confinements I have only had my husband in work at the time twice.
Before my confinements and after I have always suffered a great deal with bearing down, and doctors have told me it is weakness, not having enough good food to keep my health during such times.
This is only a short account of how I suffered; I could fill sheets of paper with what I have gone through at confinements and before, and there are others, no doubt, have felt the pinch as well as myself.
They were arduous, for he had to attend on an average threeconfinements a day.
It is a fact that a large number of confinements are easy and are admitted to be so, by the patients themselves, and in which it would be medically wrong to give an anesthetic.
Ordinarily in uncomplicated confinements they rarely annoy the patient longer than a few hours.
Most physicians carry with them to allconfinements a Kelly pad.
Anesthetics are as a rule given in all confinementsthat are not normal.
First confinements necessarily take longer, because the parts take more time to open up, or dilate, to a degree sufficient to allow the child to be born.
My confinements end at eight o'clock, but there's no use in my going to the hotel and tramping through the mud.
One is Mr. McKay, whose absence is alleged to be because of confinements he has to serve; the other is Philip Stanley, still in close arrest, and the latter has cancelled his engagements for the ball.
One of the confinements was inflicted on Honore for his faulty Latin and impertinence.
The latter of these is differently dated in the Letters to the Stranger, the end of April being given, unless, indeed, there were two confinements close together, which is hardly probable.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "confinements" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.